Handling securities
Just spent 10 minutes trying to figure out why I had no other action but "Xfr" when trying to add transactions to one of my investment accounts. Realized after getting very frustrated that it was because I had no securities attached to this account. That led me to have to add several securities to the account.
Some suggestions:
- When trying to enter a transaction in an investment account, if someone selects an action that requires a security in the account, don't just block the action, let me get to the "Security" field and then prompt me to add a security. Or simply show me a list of securities and start the "add security' process when I select it from the list
- Why is security type / subtype defined at the account level? It should be defined at the data file level. Vanguard Total Stock Market Index is always going to be Fund / US Stocks, so why do I have to set that every time I add it to an account?
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1 Posted by derekkent23 on 30 Apr, 2019 03:12 PM
On you last point the type/ subtype for securities being defined at account level allows flexibility. For example, I have two investment accounts one I pay tax on the other is tax free. In the tax-free account, the security could have a subtype of “Japan (ISA)” whereas the same security in the taxed account would just have the subtype “Japan”. The different subtypes flow through to reports. This is a great feature.
System closed this discussion on 30 Jul, 2019 03:20 PM.