A simple GUI suggestion from a Money switcher

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John Wilson

11 May, 2019 06:59 PM

I've just gone through the process of switching 20 years of MS Money data into Moneydance, and am generally happy with the results.

As with all programs, there are somethings that are better, some worse, and some just different.

After 3 months of intensive usage, the one thing that I find I miss more than anything else is the abiilty to order the columns in the portfolio view by clicking on the column title.

I would like to be able to click on 'Price' title to order all the shares in price order, or click on the 'Current Value' to order the shares by total holding amount.

Generally, I am not interested in '% Change' so I would like to hide that column, and perhaps there are other data columns that could be optionally added to the table.

As a former SW designer, I'm pretty sure that this sort of reformatting of table data is pretty easy and straightforward to do. And, as I said, it's the one simple feature that I have found I miss most after moving from Money.

Could I perhaps encourage you to take a look at implementing some simple table ordering and formatting features?

Thanks, John Wilson

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