Printing Checks on Blank Stock
I have used third party software for printing checks from Quicken to blank stock. This third party software typically has a check design function and a print driver. Checksoft was the first program I used with Quicken, but the print driver stopped working when Windows 10 came out. So I switched to ezCheckPrinting with their Quicken print driver. There are probably others on the market that let you print on blank stock.
Printing to blank stock using the ezCheckPrinting printer driver for Quicken almost works with Moneydance. From a bank account it works except for the Memo field. What happens is the Memo field in MD gets appended to the address as an extra line. If there is no address listed, it will print it on line 1 of the Payee address. If there is a 1 line address in the MD address book, the memo field will appear as the second line of the address, and so forth until the address is a four line address. In the case of a four line address, the Memo field does not print anywhere. So as a work around I am making sure all addresses are four lines. by putting a period on the fourth line.
I don't expect Moneydance to work with a Quicken printer driver, but this was so close to working, I thought I would describe the problem in the hopes that someone would look at it to determine if something simple is going on with the Memo field that is keeping this from working.
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