I wish you had a convenient link for Linux RPM install files

harveymodlin's Avatar


08 Aug, 2020 04:34 AM

Using Fedora. I have to get the link for the Ubuntu/Debian download, which you advertise, then swap .deb for .rpm manually on the URL to get the RPM install file. Any particular reason you make it easy to get the DEB version and hard to get the RPM version? It's not a show stopper, just a bit inconvenient.

  1. 1 Posted by dwg on 08 Aug, 2020 05:06 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    I'm a fellow user.

    I agree there there should be a RPM pointer on the download page, it does send the wrong message there not being a pointer present.

    For myself I tend to go to the download folders that sit behind the web page and download that way:


  2. System closed this discussion on 07 Nov, 2020 05:10 AM.

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