Ability to add Notes or Sticky Notes to the Summary Page

Kristie Creamer's Avatar

Kristie Creamer

22 Aug, 2020 12:43 AM

I had the need to add a note regarding budgeting ideas for the future and was wishing I could add a Note to the Summary page of Moneydance.

Thank you for your consideration of my suggested feature. :D

Be Well,

  1. 1 Posted by tan.k.h on 15 Nov, 2020 04:57 AM

    tan.k.h's Avatar

    I am just a Moneydance user but I have an idea that might work for you. The menu Help/Show Documents Folder will open the folder where the moneydance files are kept. It is possible to keep a text file, say Ideas.txt so that you can always get to the ideas easily.

  2. 2 Posted by derekkent23 on 15 Nov, 2020 12:05 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Kristie

    Running Moneydance 2021 in the Side Bar if you highlight SUMMARY and click ACCOUNT – EDIT ACCOUNTS you can type comments.

    Hope this helps.

  3. 3 Posted by Kristie Creamer on 16 Nov, 2020 06:33 AM

    Kristie Creamer's Avatar

    Hi derekkent23,

    Thank you for replying to my post. I’ll have to check that out for sure, but I really want to add notes right in the Moneydance App itself.

    Kristie Creamer
    [email blocked]

  4. 4 Posted by jeff_l on 16 Nov, 2020 07:26 AM

    jeff_l's Avatar

    You might like to investigate Reminders→ General Reminders.

    I use these extensively for making notes as you describe. You will get a one off item in the calendar. Give it an appropriate description & you can always easily refer to the contents of your memo, as it will show in the Reminder column list.

    Hope this helps

    fellow user

  5. 5 Posted by derekkent23 on 16 Nov, 2020 08:51 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Kristie

    OK, it sounds like rather than writing a note in Moneydance you want to attach notes created in a text editor, to which you can refer.

    Try this
    ACCOUNT – NEW ACCOUNT – BANK and use ACCOUNT NAME “.Notes” the period puts Notes at the top of the list.
    Now click on .Notes in the Side Bar and create a dummy transaction. Add a Date for when that note or group of notes was first created. Add a Description, say Notes and a Category, say Budget to define an individual Note or a group of Notes. Click Enter. High the note (transaction), right click and select ADD ATTACHMENT. You can add as many attachments as you like, and delete attachments.
    See screen shot.

    Hope this helps

  6. Melissa closed this discussion on 29 Jan, 2021 11:26 PM.

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