Minor inconvenience
When I use the search feature in one of my accounts and I finish my search, I am taken back into the full list of transactions in the account. The inconvenience is that I am left at the beginning of the account list instead of the end of the list. Because we are encouraged to keep all our transactions for years and years, a typical transaction list that is very active can have a thousand or more transactions. Being left after a search at the beginning of the list is inconvenient since I now have to scroll all the way to the end of the list to get back to my current transactions. Wouldn't it be easier to be returned to current transactions rather than ones from years past? It doesn't seem like it would be a big effort to change this one little thing. Some bit of programming leaves you at the beginning of your list rather than the end (current transactions) when you cancel or finish a search. I don't search all that often but when I do I am always reminded of how inconvenient this action is.
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1 Posted by -Kevin N. on 11 Dec, 2020 05:40 PM
Hi bastedo,
A workaround to this inconvenience...
Highlight any transaction and tap the END key on your keyboard.
It is my understanding that some keyboards lack an END key. PageDown and the DOWN ARROW keys work as well but not to the extent that the END key works.
-Kevin N. (not a member of MD support)
2 Posted by jeff_l on 11 Dec, 2020 06:01 PM
If you don't have an END key, highlight any transaction & use CTR T on PC or CMD T on Mac to take you immediately to Todays date.
fellow user
3 Posted by -Kevin N. on 11 Dec, 2020 06:09 PM
Thanks Jeff. I'll make a note of key-combo CTRL-T.
-Kevin N. (not a member of MD support)
4 Posted by bastedo on 12 Dec, 2020 03:27 AM
Thank you, Kevin for trying. No end key. I might as well scroll. There must be a line of code that says up page after a search. All someone would need to do is insert down page in the code and it would eliminate the inconvenience.
Hopefully I will hear from them
Sent from my iPhone
5 Posted by dwg on 12 Dec, 2020 03:41 AM
I'm a fellow user.
If you using MacOS and want to go to the end of the register try the key sequence <Fn> <Right Arrow>
6 Posted by Ben on 12 Dec, 2020 01:17 PM
Thanks dwg - I've just now discovered that in Windows, with a transaction highlighted,
Fn-Right takes me to the lowest screenful of entries
Fn-Left takes me to the highest screenful.
7 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 12 Dec, 2020 02:11 PM
FYI - On a Mac Fn up or down does a page up/down.. These keys work most places in most apps...
Melissa closed this discussion on 15 Dec, 2020 06:32 PM.