Transaction reminder entry
Refer transaction reminder. I create reminders so that they are listed on the Summary page in order of date - and to allow me to manually enter them. I click the reminder - correct any entries and values and complete it.
However, it would help if - after entry - the screen would take us to the particular account - displaying that entry. At the moment, after entry - you just see the reminders list.
The reason I ask to take to the particular account - is because of the way the reminders are created. As an example, I would create a reminder to pay my credit card from a particular checking account. But at the last minute - if I happen to decide to pay from an alternate account, it is often easy to forget making the change in the reminder account drop down. Likewise, changes to categories, amount and other values.
The ability to see the final transaction entry - would be a great step forward to help make sure the entry is done right.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Ethan on 16 May, 2021 09:04 PM
I can see how that would be useful. But I could also see how many people would find that counterproductive, especially for those that use reminders to enter in multiple monthly payments at once. They would enter a reminder from the Summary screen, be taken to that account, and then have to keep clicking back to Summary, creating unnecessary clicks. We usually get more complaints about those kinds of things, because people like to be efficient in their data entry. Maybe this could be an option of some sort instead? Like either something in preferences, or maybe a button on the reminder window that was 'save and view transaction' or something to that effect.
Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by RJron on 18 May, 2021 10:42 AM
Hi there Ethan,
Thanks for this response. I agree with you in part - that this might seem counter-productive to some. However, I use them extensively and see that mistakes can happen often - and perhaps some changes to the UI of reminders entry form itself would help with this. Please allow me to elaborate:
When you click on the reminder ( for entry ), it would help if:
Focus would be set on the account name at the top - with the option to use a keyboard - in a searchable drop-down list- to resolve account names. At the moment, one has to click and select the account.
I believe many use Moneydance in great detail covering all aspects of their accounting. Even though the default is only a small set of accounts - over time, users understand best workings of Moneydance and end up with an extensive list of account - from bank to cash to credit cards to asset and liability accounts etc (.. i could go on.. ). Changing the account and going thru the list to select an alternative is cumbersome. This is where a searchable drop-down-list to resolve the a/c names would help.
FYI, I have created all my accounts with unique names with a mix of organisation name and 4 digit ac or card nos and other info - and that helps greatly with transaction entries. This also helps list and organise accounts in the summary page - but sadly it does not help anywhere else due to the lack this option.
To jump to the next field, ability to use the keyboard and TAB through the fields.
And for those who want to jump and change a specific field only - then the option to use a keyboard shortcut to jump straight to that field and edit would help.
Currently, keyboard shortcuts for this reminders entry are available only for the two buttons - DEFER REMINDER and RECORD TRANSACTION ( On windows - pressing the ALT button highlights the underscore in the names ).
When an entry/payment is made ( especially a debit ) - and an account selected, it would help if the current balance in that account is displayed above or below the account name. A negative amount should also be higlighted in red. Something like "A/c bal: $ -10.00"
An additional alarm-only if a debit above the account balance is used for payment. A similar scenario for credits - when it is a transfer from another account.
This is often where mistakes also happen. Making an entry - and then figuring out there is no money there. Currently, only way to be sure is to go and look into that account before making payment - which is even more counter productive.
There are a few other niggly items - some related:
The reminder entry form sizes are different for different items or perhaps accounts. I have not yet figured out how this logic is applied. Attached is a screenshot of entry items - resized to their smallest possible sizes. Perhaps they are linked to the size of the nested account names.
- Please notice the following as well in the screenshot:
a. Account names. Because they are nested - they are huge in size with the entire nested info. The seperation is a colon (:) for which you need another set of glasses to find. Would be better to have bold font or color differences between each nest. This is a global issue within moneydance
You can imagine how the reports are generated - which are almost unusable! Dont even think about printing reports. The account names really needs an option to only show the final account name.
b. Categories are similar to above.
Apologies that this is such a long message. But I am keen to making moneydance better and to make use of them as well.
3 Posted by RJron on 20 May, 2021 09:11 AM
Any of this sounds sensible and useful - especially point # 4 ?
Just got my credit card statement - with an auto-debit reminder to a specific bank account. I use the reminders to make the entry. But only when I go into the bank account ledger - do I see that I am short of funds in the account.
My option now is to either top up the bank account - or pay the credit card from another account. The steps needed now could have been avoided with the suggestions I made.
I sincerely hope you can visualise the problem..
System closed this discussion on 19 Aug, 2021 09:20 AM.