Provide a way to assign a default category to specific Payees listed in the Address Book

greg's Avatar


07 Jun, 2021 03:55 PM

When creating an address book entry, please provide a place to define a default category for that address book entry. Furthermore, when importing a file or synchronizing with my bank, please look at the address book entry for each payee and if an entry exists AND a default category is defined for that payee please categorize the transaction using the address book default category for that payee. If the default category is not defined, please ask the user to enter a default category for that payee. If the payee does not exist in the address book, please ask the user if they want to create the address book entry for that payee.

Given the more than 1,000 default category discussions that have been registered on the board, it would seem that the customer base is asking for something to change. Please consider this suggestion as something that the customer base wants.

  1. 1 Posted by Melissa on 09 Jun, 2021 09:29 AM

    Melissa's Avatar


    Thanks for contacting Moneydance support team.

    I'm afraid that it's not possible to assign a default category for each payee, but it sounds like you could try using the confirmation process for downloaded or imported transactions.

    I'd recommend taking a look at this section of the Knowledge Base that details recognizing and confirming your recently downloaded data.

    When transactions have been recently downloaded, they'll be 'unconfirmed' which is signified by a blue dot in the register.

    To begin the confirmation process, select the first transaction in the register with a 'blue dot'. A panel will appear on the right of your screen which shows the 'Current Transaction' details. You can amend the category within this panel, then select 'Confirm'. You'll see the solid blue dot change to a blue circle. Moneydance will then move to the next unconfirmed transaction in the register.

    As you go through this process it will become quicker and easier. Moneydance will begin to recognize the information you have previously confirmed, and start to suggest the correct categories within 'Similar Payees' in the panel on the right. The next time you download from the bank many of the correct categories will automatically be assigned, and this will improve as you confirm more transactions.

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have further questions or need any assistance. Thank you.

    Melissa, Infinite Kind Support

  2. System closed this discussion on 08 Sep, 2021 09:30 AM.

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