Expand / Collapse in Sidebar
My sidebar is getting unwieldy... due to many reasons. We've moved countries many times and had to open new accounts everywhere and partly because we budget by using separate accounts and are a large family.
Could I request a simple enhancement?
Make any nested Accounts, Credit Cards, Investments, Assets etc. collapsible?
That way I can set up a parent account for USD for example and collapse all USD accounts under it and expand it if I need to work with my USD accounts. Pretty much the same controls that already exist in the Tools --> Accounts window that allow me to expand and collapse them there.
Thanks :-)
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1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 24 Jul, 2021 08:29 AM
FYI - I use the collapsable accounts on the home screen for the above and the left side bar for quick access to just a few accounts etc...
2 Posted by Melissa on 06 Aug, 2021 08:59 AM
Hi Andy,
I can see you’ve received a reply from one of our knowledgeable Moneydance customers.
To add to this useful information I thought it's worth recommending to have a read at this article regarding how to customise your sidebar within Moneydance.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have further questions or need further assistance. Thank you.
Melissa, Infinite Kind Support
3 Posted by avp2 on 15 Aug, 2021 03:37 PM
Another good case for including the (Virtual Parent) capability of allowing any type of account (or even category) to be s a child of any other type of account - something I, and others, have asked for for years.
With the current functionality, I don't see how that could be done otherwise. I suppose a special function for differing currency bases could be added, but a Virtual Parent functionality would be much more useful.
System closed this discussion on 14 Nov, 2021 03:40 PM.