filter by tag feature - reverse filter needed

Louie's Avatar


09 Apr, 2022 02:42 PM

Hi all,

I'd like to see a way to filter transactions in reports by the non-existence of a filter.
That is, when filtering by tag, I should be able to choose a "is equal to" or "is not equal to".

Hope you can introduce that eventually.



  1. 1 Posted by mhoggie on 09 Apr, 2022 03:57 PM

    mhoggie's Avatar

    just a user,

    I do wish they had those options on the reports, or allow "regular expression" filters, but there is a way to find all your transactions without Tags.

    Use the Find and Replace extension, Reset it (bottom right), select the Accounts, Categories, Amounts, Dates, etc as needed, then check the "Tag" box, click None to clear it, select Exact, then click Find. You will get a list of all your transactions without a Tag. If you want the "No Tag" filter in the MD reports, you can add a special tag (i.e. No Tag) to all transactions found in the Find and Replace extension, then Replace All, and Record. Then you can use the regular MD reports and filter by Tag "No Tag" . Also if you are familiar with "regular expression" filters, you can use "regular expressions" in the "Free Text" field to do all types of filtering of the description and memo field of transactions. For instance if you want to find the word "Tax" used in the Description or Memo, enter =\bTax\b In the Free Text field. Unfortunately it doesn't search the Tag field.

  2. System closed this discussion on 09 Jul, 2022 04:00 PM.

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