Extension: Custom Balances - suggestions

RJron's Avatar


30 May, 2022 07:53 AM

Hello Stu,

Suggestions for Custom Balances:

Since each row is identified by a row number, perhaps better to also display the row number against each item.

Ideally, would be nice to click on one of those items - and to get into its transaction window. However, I realise there may be multiple accounts added and this is not possible/practical - except for a report.

In the configuration, re. bottom window with list of accounts - and selected accounts highlighted.

With an extensive list of accounts - and multiple accounts selected, it is not easy to identify which accounts were selected and to be sure of the list. I think a split window option ( either left and right - or top and bottom ) would perhaps provide more clarity to the user.

In the case of a "left and right window" option, it would be similar to the accounts adding area in the GRAPHS & REPORTS feature of moneydance. But this would include the same search/filter field as well - to make it easier to find and add them.

Additionally, in configuration, would be good if double-clicking an account/category would open the transactions window for that account/category. This will indirectly address point #2 I suppose.

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  1. 91 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2023 05:07 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    cannot find v1022 anywhere in the link - or even a CTRL+F does not find 1022. Are we being doled out with different pages ?

  2. 92 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2023 05:08 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    82 !!
    Outright loser... (kidding) :D

  3. 93 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 05:15 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    Go to the link. Scroll down, you will find Toolbox and Custom Balances in blue. Those are links. Click on blue custom balances.

  4. 94 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 05:25 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    "I've got quite a list of custom balances - so need all the space I can get. Would be nice if Custom-Balances can use that space but have 2 column - to sort of double its capacity on the dashboard."

    I have some ideas on that I've been discussing with Stuart. How many rows do you have? It is part of the conversation. It's likely you, Stuart, and I are Gold/Silver/Bronze in row usage, unless someone is quiet about their usage. Custom Balances is awesome, but it can "grow" quickly.

  5. 95 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 25 Apr, 2023 05:29 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    My site always holds my latest preview version. You will never get alerted about my site’s updates (unless you register with github and follow my repo).

    BUT, once my extension updates are signed, then you will see them as available in the MD extensions window available for update.

  6. 96 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2023 05:48 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    Bravo dtd. 82 is sure a good number. Salute ! I see you've got y our markets on there as well - it is something I have to get into. At the moment, I've been restricting myself a bit - am no where close to you. I'm at about 20 only...

    PS. Ref the link. I must be doing something different. I do click on Custom Balances. The link does not show. See screenshot.

    @stu - thanks. Somehow, Moneydance has not alerted me. Perhaps this is the new moneydance thing...

  7. 97 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 05:51 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    So it doesn't resolve and download? That IS the link.
    Try copying the link and entering it manually - this is supposed to be the download.

  8. 98 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 05:55 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    You then open the zip file which reveals a folder which contains the .mxt file which you take down the rabbit hole, and find Darth Vader who helps you open it.

    (Or you could just then go to extensions/Manage Extensions and click "Add From File"....)

  9. 99 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2023 06:11 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    resolves and straight downloads - but no version. Manually using the link also is the same.

    Downloading - extracting - rabbit and alice in wonderland..all good but still no version... not in the readme or anywhere. see screenshot.

    but never mind. I use it quite a lot - so will be checking in between.

  10. 100 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 25 Apr, 2023 06:15 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Is the screenshot you just showed us there is a file called net_account_balances.mxt.. Double click this file to install into Moneydance...

  11. 101 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 06:16 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    Go to extensions/manage extensions/look at custom balances - it will likely say version 1021(1022).

    Similarly, likely at the bottom of custom balances it will say Preview 1022 in light grey letters - you have passed into the rabbit hole - where versions are tentative versus assigned.

    Maybe you should wait till they are "approved".... ?

  12. 102 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 06:17 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    Oh, and what stuart said - install the mxt file.

  13. 103 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2023 06:19 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    hey.. sorry.. i think this went sideways a bit.
    I have no difficulty installing.
    I just cannot find the version number anywhere in the site - or in the links - or in the file itself. So if I have to go hunting to find a new version - only option is for me to download - install and then check if it is a new version ( which is odd ).

    I would like to know when updates are available...

  14. 104 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 06:28 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    The version numbers are more "peripheral" when they haven't been made officially available - though this one - when approved will be 1022. That said, the 1022 is usually buried a bit until approved (I tried to give you two places to look), which is why you won't see the number anywhere - it's really about (now down the rabbit hole) - go here - grab this, it "will" be the new version.

    And the developers tell you where to look, if you want to go there.

    As for updates - well - it's also "tentative", though Stuart told you where to subscribe to his page.

    Again - given your interest in Custom Balances - you've passed beyond the normal (though you didn't upgrade to 1021 - which was official - shame shame (that's a joke)

    As to like to know when updates are available - extensions don't quite work that way - go to updates in manage extensions. But this is beyond that. Hope that helps.

  15. 105 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2023 06:30 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    all good dtd - shukran! ( thank you )...

  16. 106 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 06:32 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    Seriously, you seem very interested in the development process of Custom Balances, which is why I opened one kimono to you (won't mention other ones, shriek!) but if you would rather stay with current versions, that's absolutely fine - just be aware that this extension gets a lot of looking over, because - well, IMO, it's really cool.

  17. 107 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 06:32 AM

    dtd's Avatar


  18. 108 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2023 06:40 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    haha.. lets just say.. i have a red bar on moneydance again..
    might be able to overcome it ( may be appreciate even.. ) if I can just reprogram my brains to ignore the word 'unsafe' etc...

    now.. how do I make use of those new features ? where do I get the modified help page ?

  19. 109 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2023 06:42 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    .. and no.. i'm not really into html or any coding. dropped it off 30+ years ago but thats a story for another time..

  20. 110 Posted by dwg on 25 Apr, 2023 06:42 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    If you want to see the version number without installing the extension you can open the mxt file, it is basically an archive, then open the .py file and look at the top.

    Stuart is pretty good at updating the version number inside the py file. The version is not in the read me.

    I've been known to look at py files, although I don't recommend it, it can cause head scratching at the very least :)

  21. 111 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 06:42 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    Go to the menu area, and click help. A lot of cool new bits - ignore <#html> (though it is the best) if you don't know html. use "blank/justify/colour/fonts" and put them into the row name. It's awesome.

  22. 112 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 06:46 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    And - you will (because I did) say - how did you get that Table title in the middle versus just a bit to the left (Stuart justifies to the middle of the first column) - let's just say a bunch of spaces can be your friend....

    (Too soon?)

  23. 113 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2023 06:50 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    haha... too soon.. but too good to ignore....

  24. 114 Posted by RJron on 25 Apr, 2023 06:52 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    I might be jumping the gun here - but can almost certainly say - no need for the highlight blink. I'm busy getting hidden rows to show in colour when they come up... awesome...

  25. 115 Posted by dtd on 25 Apr, 2023 06:57 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    :Thumbs Up:

  26. 116 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 25 Apr, 2023 08:18 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Heads up. <#bo> and <#it> have been renamed to <#fbo> and <#fit> in the next release (f for font). (Blame @dtd 😉)

  27. 117 Posted by RJron on 26 Apr, 2023 07:08 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    I need to blame you some more dtd... let me think of a few more... :D

  28. 118 Posted by RJron on 29 Apr, 2023 12:55 PM

    RJron's Avatar

    Hey Stu, dtd - I've just reopened the LIST FUTURE REMINDERS conversation and added some notes there. Hopefully the problem is not related to Custom Balances - which is the only update I've done recently. Please could you check and advise. Thanks

  29. 119 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 29 Apr, 2023 01:48 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Extensions are independant, it's nothing to do with CB.
    FYI - I noticed this myself recently...

  30. 120 Posted by RJron on 29 Apr, 2023 01:55 PM

    RJron's Avatar

    Thats good to know. continuing on the List Future Reminders chat..

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