Moneydance 2023 5005
Just purchased the license for the upgrade to 2023 build 5005. However, disappointing to see that several suggestion over the years to improve have not been considered as yet. Especially:
-- the option for a search bar in the left hand money
-- expand/collapse groups in the left hand pane
- Quite likely other areas also lack the same.
- have not checked all options but dont see much of a change for a paid upgrade
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1 Posted by dtd on 30 Mar, 2023 01:44 AM
just a user - almost all the changes were in the internal engine. There are very few "feature fixes" - well, really pretty much none. The two major "new features" are items to intrigue some users, but again, very little on "just fix everything the user encounters on their own."
Hopefully, now that the internal engine redo is "about done", more attention will be paid to the suggestions (and some bugs) as attention from IK can now move to those.
Just reporting... to the company there are a lot of changes for a paid upgrade, but the users certainly won't see it at this point.
2 Posted by RJron on 30 Mar, 2023 03:32 PM
not happy...
not happy that there are no real practical advantages that make a difference..
3 Posted by tonyt on 30 Mar, 2023 06:13 PM
As I have said before, I agree with dtd, bug squishing urgently required in place of new 'features'.
4 Posted by drsfg on 30 Mar, 2023 08:05 PM
I agree that this version looks pretty much like V2022.6 so I did question the upgrade charge. And I was going to ask what happened to the possibility of single line splits (which is my pet peeve).
But then I thought that since both my business and personal finances are wrapped up in this program since 2006, I don't want to go through (again) what I had to go through with Quicken for Mac back then (and now have to keep an old unusable otherwise laptop just to open up and see my pre-2006 data). So I want to support IK to continue to make improvements, even if they are "under the hood" and that includes updates to make the program completely compatible with new MacOSs that come into being. I don't think a $25 annual upgrade fee for a program I use every day is so bad.
5 Posted by RJron on 30 Mar, 2023 08:14 PM
I agree with you entirely drsfg.
Which is why I paid the amount and upgraded - as soon as it was available. For sure I fully support the need for 'under the hood' upgrades.
What concerns me is that there have been several suggestions made over the years ( many many years ) and many of them have not seen the light of day as yet ( perhaps for good reasons unknown to me ). But they are suggestions made by a very large community - many that DEFINITELY help improve / enhance / ease the user interaction with the software.
6 Posted by RJron on 30 Mar, 2023 08:22 PM
to be clear... I've been using moneydance since 2010 or earlier and have purchased every update available. For sure I want the under the hood upgrades as well.
But cmon.. we need this to become even better all around. as well. We are not looking for new AI chatGPT style updates for the year 2999 . Just looking for the usual/better search and find options, better formatting and display and reports.. stuff like that...
7 Posted by drsfg on 30 Mar, 2023 08:30 PM
> On Mar 30, 2023, at 1:14 PM, RJron <[email blocked]> wrote:
And I agree with you as well (note the single line split issue). But I have no idea what resources IK has in order to implement these improvements. From my days of living with a QA programmer, I always have to remember that apparently easy to implement ideas can require huge amounts of labor resources (which translates into $$$) and I don’t know how profitable these types of seemingly mundane programs really are. I mean, how many copies of Moneydance are sold each year? I confess that the single line split issue kept me from upgrading my V2010 version for years until Apple started phasing out Java Runtime and then I couldn't open up the file, which scared me no end.
8 Posted by drsfg on 30 Mar, 2023 08:37 PM
V2010 was a great version! Unlike Quicken (I believe) where if you don’t pay the annual fee you can’t use the program, I think many people don’t upgrade as long as it works.
My concern is that IK may be shooting themselves in the foot by charging a fee for a no-different pseudo upgrade because people will feel ripped off and not upgrade when they *do* have significant improvements.
9 Posted by RJron on 30 Mar, 2023 08:49 PM
been going at this since the early days of Microsoft Money.. and when they reached the sunset - then moved over several different versions of Quicken and a few others. Settled down with moneydance ( probably because it reminded me a bit of MMoney somehow - but also because it worked offline and just worked well ) and with the intent of providing as much input as possible and to make this even better and successful. Even pushed this to friends, family and colleagues over the years.. but yes.. I'm with you - not often you find people who have the discipline to use a personal financial software - let alone upgrade.
There are exchange of messages going back a few years about certain updates worth considering.. and very keen to see these whenever there is an update - atleast some of which are not exactly difficult to implement. But a bit frustrating and dissappointing when nothing happens... again..
But there is hope... i guess...
10 Posted by drsfg on 30 Mar, 2023 09:08 PM
> On Mar 30, 2023, at 1:49 PM, RJron <[email blocked]> wrote:
I started with Quicken in the 1990s (or earlier) (I believe). I chose Moneydance because it was the only financial software at the time that, because it ran on Java, could be used on *both* a Windows and Mac machine. My tax preparer (naturally) used a PC, and I used a Mac. I could provide a copy of the data file and he could open it up if he wished to. That was a big deal to me, as the constant years of PC Quicken and Mac Quicken being separate entities always bugged and frustrated me. And Moneydance (at the time) looked very similar to Quicken (albeit with a quirk or two regarding input, which I eventually got used to).
I’m happy Moneydance works for me day to day without an issue. One of the true frustrations with Quicken was that every annual upgrade was shipped with a slew of bugs that didn’t get completely fixed until 9-10 months into the cycle and then we started the same issues with the new edition a few months later. Ahh! The good old days (ugh!!)
11 Posted by dtd on 30 Mar, 2023 10:12 PM
just a user - I hear you both.
Infinite Kind/Moneydance is a small company in the UK. They have a primary developer, Sean Reilly, and a small customer support staff. The program was developed over 20 years ago, which provides some concept as to baggage that is hard to change when you don't have a staff of programmers.
Attention to change is mostly to things that "must be done" to keep the program viable. (Plaid/MD+ when direct connect is disappearing, maintaining the program working when (Mac especially) it gets broken by OS changes, and so on.)
Bugs/improvements, unfortunately, are not at the top of the list, unless it can somehow get Sean's attention. [Indeed, if lots of people make noise - like the sync bug in 5005 is definitely being noticed] - another way to get attention is to document the hell out of the bug/improvement (to make the fix/change fairly easy), but that often takes quite a bit of time on the user side, so rarely happens. I have one myself that I made pictures, showed the issue, and even described how it could be fixed, but it is still sitting after two years.
So, yes, this "under the hood" work is needed, but IMO, it should not be the reason for a new major upgrade (other than the fact it just happens to be 2023) - it should be like a 202x.3 type upgrade (i.e. midyear) - Sean tries to have new features and new items (like MD+), but I don't think he feels that "here are 92 bug fixes/feature requests done and done" as a "major upgrade" - whereas I feel a lot of users would consider that a "major upgrade" more than under the hood items (which are necessary).
If nothing else, I hope that explains a bit about why this is happening the way it is.
I am pleased to be part of this user community and the fact there are welcomed extensions to the program. I call out Stuart Beasley and Mike Bray as two folks who have really augmented MD with Toolbox and Quote Loader. It's one reason I stick around as basically volunteer support staff...
12 Posted by dtd on 30 Mar, 2023 10:20 PM
just a user - oh, so what am I doing with versioning?
I'm sticking with 2022.6(4097) on my live data for now, and testing 2023(50xx) on sample data, or a separate backup copy. That way, I can continue to help diagnose bugs with the newly released version, but not affect my data until 2023 "settles down".
As to upgrade prices, it isn't really $25 each year, it's $25 every other year (now $30, price went from $50 - $65 on new purchases, first increase in a long time). So, yes, IK/MD is very kind on upgrade pricing. And it isn't really every other year, it's $30 when you decide you need the upgrade, and then you get the next major upgrade as well.
13 Posted by drsfg on 02 Apr, 2023 09:12 PM
14 Posted by dtd on 02 Apr, 2023 09:17 PM
just a user - following your comments, Mac users are still waiting for an M1/M2 version of Moneydance.
15 Posted by drsfg on 03 Apr, 2023 02:34 AM
16 Posted by dtd on 03 Apr, 2023 02:43 AM
just a user - Yes. It isn't universal.
17 Posted by dwg on 03 Apr, 2023 02:48 AM
Yes dtd means native rather than requiring Rosetta.
Windows Surface PRO X users are in a similar boat in that they need to use the 32 bit version of Moneydance.
The good news is that Moneydance seems to run very well in both cases, under the abstraction layer so it is not the case that there is no or a poor solution.
18 Posted by drsfg on 03 Apr, 2023 03:21 AM
See, this type of stuff is exactly what I’m afraid of. It takes some doing to recompile these programs. Quicken never did it on their classic Quicken and I have an old MacBook Pro that only runs El Capitan to access my pre-2006 financial data (not that I access that data at all these days.)
And some day, Apple will drop Rosetta and the program will be unusable.
Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Sunday, April 2, 2023, 7:48 PM, dwg <[email blocked]> wrote:
#yiv9752955028 pre {width:92%;margin:10px 2%;padding:5px 2%;background:#efefef;border:1px solid #d6d6d6;}#yiv9752955028 blockquote {margin-left:0;padding-left:1em;border-left:5px solid #ccc;}
19 Posted by dwg on 03 Apr, 2023 03:35 AM
The same thing happened with Rosetta 1 and initially Moneydance required it, by the time the compatibility layer was dropped there was the native Intel version.
20 Posted by drsfg on 03 Apr, 2023 05:33 PM
Let us pray.
System closed this discussion on 03 Jul, 2023 05:40 PM.