Unconfirm a transaction or merge after confirming
I recently encountered the problem again where I seemingly have accidentally confirmed a downloaded transaction that I want to merge with a reminder-entered transaction. I could just delete the downloaded transaction, but it would be nice to have its metadata associated with the entered transaction via merge. Since the downloaded transaction was confirmed (and not recently, possibly days ago, so undo is no help here), it's not possible to merge the two entries.
It would be nice if Moneydance would allow one to "unconfirm" a transaction, changing it back to unconfirmed, so it could be merged again... either that or offer an option to merge two selected transactions.
I did try the "Duplicate" option, but that created another transaction without any confirmed/unconfirmed status. I suspect I can use the workaround to delete the transaction and re-download the account. I tried that, but Moneydance+ failed to re-create the transaction (either because it's too old or because it's seen it before).
Is there any other way to unconfirm a transaction?
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