Interface improvements
Please strongly consider implementing these three interface improvements:
1. Pin the confirmation and attachments interface. The fact that it moves the register when it comes and goes makes using the interface less efficient. Pin it in place so it stays and keeps the interface visually stable.
2. In the side bar, don't repeat the Bank, Credit Card, Investment, Graphs, and Reports icons in each category. Repeating them in the category doesn't add any value, adds clutter and takes up valuable visual real estate. Instead use the icon once at the header level. Also, break out graphs and reports into their own categories.
3. When creating a new sub category from the register, the interface looses any sub categories as parent. For example, if I put in the category A:B:NewCategory, when the interface comes up for a new category, the Parent is populated with A and not B for NewCategory. Consider this a bug and change the interface so that B is recognized as the parent.
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1 Posted by -Kevin N. on 13 Jul, 2024 08:21 PM
Hi Charles,
Regarding item #1, Go into Preferences on the General tab. Choose 'In separate popup' for the 'Show Selection Details' option.
Doing so will allow the Confirmation sidebar to 'float' over the register rather than squish it.
-Kevin N. (not a member of Moneydance support)
2 Posted by Charles Kaminsk... on 13 Jul, 2024 08:53 PM
Hi Kevin,
I appreciate the feature to show the details as a popup. The challenge is that the popup does not work with snapping the Moneydance window to sections of the deskop through the operating system ... Snapping windows highly useful feature for large monitors on Windows and Ubuntu. Think of a large monitor with Moneydance and multiple browsers open. Windows and Ubuntu will snap these windows to different sections of the monitor and manage their sizes. The popup window gets pushed to the back or hides other windows.
If Infinite Kind were to pin the details window then everything falls into place.
3 Posted by steven_geraghty on 15 Jul, 2024 02:44 PM
Agree with item #2.
The "Graphs & Reports" category is the only place where the icons add any value. If they are broken out into separate categories, even that becomes moot.
The icons are reallly just eye candy.
Maybe consider an interface option/preference to display them or not.
4 Posted by Charles Kaminsk... on 15 Jul, 2024 03:06 PM
You might like a very brief set of videos by Darkhorse Analytics that show how to de-clutter visuals. I'm a fan of Moneydance but I do hope Infinite Kind adopts principles similar to Darkhorse Analytics when building GUIs.