Category customization on Chart
I am a returned user of moneydance, and found that Expenses chart and Income chart do not have a customization on which categories it should include on the result. Long time ago (10 years ago?) I believe that I could exclude certain catagories (mostly tax related as they are huge portion), but in the latest version, there is no way to control the categories. The reasoning is that tax related categories have too large portion, so that it is difficult to understand which (personal) expense that I need to focus/save.
I do see that in "Income and Expenses" report has the ability to control which categories should be the part of the calculation, but not in "Expenses" chart nor "Income and Expenses" chart.
If my memoy is correct, this is not a new feature request but reviving the old feature from the chart. Please consider this and add back the feature, the ability to select(include/exclude) the categories from the chart.
- moneydance-chart-edit.png 20.8 KB
- moneydance-report-edit.png 36.4 KB
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1 Posted by -Kevin N. on 01 Aug, 2024 07:49 PM
Hi cinsky,
Thank you for the screenshots.
To have the ability to select individual categories in the Income and / or the Expenses graphs, untick the checkbox in front of the 'Show top:' label.
-Kevin N. (not a member of Moneydance Support)
2 Posted by cinsky on 02 Aug, 2024 06:32 AM
Thank you so much!