Toggling "Show on summary page" for securities
I have a bunch of old securities in my account that I've long since sold but that I want to keep around for historical returns on my investments. In the Quote Loader extension there is a parameter "Include Securities with no holdings?" that uses the "Show on summary page" setting for the security to display securities with no holdings but that have the "Show on summary page" checked. A suggestion for the Toolbox would be to have a tool that will uncheck the "Show on summary page" checkbox for all securites with no holdings.
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1 Posted by dtd on 01 Aug, 2024 08:24 PM
I "think" I see what you are asking for, but this line confuses me:
"In the QL extension there is a parameter "ISWNH" that uses the "SOSP" setting for the security to display securities with no holdings but that have "SOSP" chcked...
[Edit: Some of the next paragraph may not be completely correct, as I've looked it over.]
I'm pretty sure there is no relationship as you describe. If you click "ISWNH" in Quote Loader, it displays every Stock in the Portfolio, including of course zero holdings. That setting has no relationship with "SOSP" setting
[[???other than if a zero stock happens to have SOSP checked, it will be displayed in quote loader even if ISWNH is not checked... this is specifically to keep most zero stocks hidden, while allowing stocks with zero holdings that you want to continue to track to be visible and updating price quotes.???]]
What I "think" you are asking is - I have a bunch of stocks with zero holdings showing on my summary page, can Toolbox turn those off all at once? (Which means it would do them ALL, even ones you want to continue tracking)
i have about 200 stocks/cds/etc. over 35 years with most of them at zero. I have less than 80 currently, and they also get bought and sold. Some I sell to zero, but keep tracking them as I often repurchase them for various reasons. Thus, doing a "toolbox" "switch them all off" is very specific and, for me, always wrong.
But, if my understanding is correct, and I also have the confusing sentence interpreted correctly, you just want any zero security to not show on the summary page, and don't care if a few you want to continue to track get turned off as well. [Delineating the two would be impossible for an automated process, as that depends on what one wants to track versus fully historical]
Given this, is the suggestion what I said (turn all zeros to be not on summary page) or am I misinterpreting what you asked for?
2 Posted by dtd on 01 Aug, 2024 08:30 PM
Oh, and as to keeping stocks/cds around for historical returns - that really is an absolute must, unless you want to really mess up your dataset. That's why I still have 200 or so, as I need a cd sold in 1992 to remain forever, even if I "hide" it, as it is zero, and forever will be zero, but the historical information is necessary.
3 Posted by dtd on 01 Aug, 2024 08:47 PM
Oh, and I haven't changed this for some time, maybe for the current version of QL at all, and I do note some anomalies on what shows and what doesn't show, so you may be more right than I am on the interaction between 0 stocks you want shown based on "SOSP". I'd have to investigate further, but clicking "ISWNH" still shows all my stocks throughout time, they just tend to say "Do Not Load" whereas if not checked, some of my zero stocks with SOSP on sometimes seem to show in QL, and sometimes don't, especially now that I'm messing with it.
I think there is something odd about this, as I think I remember a conversation with Stuart on summary page issues with stocks.
Thanks for bringing this up, as I'm looking further.
4 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 01 Aug, 2024 09:11 PM
I don't believe that QL uses the "Show on summary page" setting... The QL "Include Securities with no holdings" does exactly what it says.
Toolbox does already have an option in the Securities menu (bottom item) to Toggle investment securities with zero shares status to inactive. There is no toolbox option to do this at the security master level..
5 Posted by dtd on 01 Aug, 2024 09:25 PM
1. That's what I was trying to say. You are more succinct, though most of what I said is correct.
2. I always have to get my head around that.
6 Posted by solarpreb on 01 Aug, 2024 09:38 PM
1. The hint in QL for Include Securities with no holdings pops up the hint "If selected any security that does not have any holdings but has 'Show on summary page' set will be loaded"
The scenario I had was that I had manually added a security to one of my accounts and wanted to download the latest price for it, but since that "Include securities with no holdings" wasn't checked it didn't show up in QL. So I checked that checkbox and then ALL of my securities showed up. So my thinking was that if I could turn off SOSP for all of the stocks that had no holdings then just check that SOSP box for the one newly added security that would then only load that one security for which I had no holding. (Hope I've explained that well!)
2. I did use that toolbox item but all of the inactive ones still showed up in QL when I checked "Include Securities with no holdings".
7 Posted by dtd on 01 Aug, 2024 09:44 PM
1. So you did encounter what I did, it's all or nothing now. Somehow what you wanted did seem to work for me at one time, maybe in an earlier version, but now it is what you describe.
2. That's what Stuart meant - "include securities with no holdings" works with the security master level versus the account level, and I always get that a bit mixed up.
8 Posted by dtd on 01 Aug, 2024 10:00 PM
And you are absolutely correct about the hint, which at least suggests what I described above for myself and what you wanted may have worked at one time, but those hints don't get changed often. If nothing else, the hint should be changed.... :(
(I'd already done what you said, make all zeros not show on summary page, except recent ones I was continuing to keep track of) - probably shouldn't have messed with whatever parameters I had saved....
9 Posted by derekkent23 on 02 Aug, 2024 08:59 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
The criteria governing which securities are listed in Quote Loader is a little more complex than the hint for “Include Securities with no holdings” would suggest.
The following is an extract from the Quote Loader PDF to be found attached to post 103 at
“If “Include Securities with no holding?” box is ticked then:
If a security is assigned to an investment account, but has a zero balance, then it will appear whether or not it is listed in the Stock Prices section on the Summary Page.
If a security is not assigned to an investment account, then it will only appear if it is listed in the Stock Prices section on the Summary Page.
For a Security to be listed on the Summary page it must be selected in Moneydance to “Show on summary page” under TOOLS – SECURITIES select security - EDIT.
If “Include Securities with no holding?” box is not ticked then Securities with no holdings will not appear.”
Hope this helps.
10 Posted by dtd on 02 Aug, 2024 06:50 PM
So, if you buy a stock, assign it to the investment account, then sell it to zero, it will begin to appear only if you "tick the box", but so will others (including old ones).
Putting a never used stock into the list, but not an investment account, will show if on the summary page.
But a "used" stock, sold to zero, which you might buy again, will only show up with others (assigned), and has nothing to do with showing on the summary page.
Is there a way to remove a sold stock from an account list without destroying all past buys/sells? (i.e. I used to own Amazon, sold it, but want to keep tracking it in QL, but don't want to have to bring up years of a historical list?
11 Posted by derekkent23 on 03 Aug, 2024 09:03 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi dtd
So, if you buy a stock, assign it to the investment account, then sell it to zero, it will begin to appear only if you "tick the box", but so will others (including old ones).
YES - If “Include Securities with no holding?” box is ticked then if a security is assigned to an investment account, but has a zero balance, then it will appear whether or not it is listed in the Stock Prices section on the Summary Page.
Putting a never used stock into the list, but not an investment account, will show if on the summary page.
YES - If “Include Securities with no holding?” box is ticked then if a security is not assigned to an investment account, then it will only appear if it is listed in the Stock Prices section on the Summary Page.
But a "used" stock, sold to zero, which you might buy again, will only show up with others (assigned), and has nothing to do with showing on the summary page.
YES - If “Include Securities with no holding?” box is ticked then If a security is assigned to an investment account, but has a zero balance, then it will appear whether or not it is listed in the Stock Prices section on the Summary Page.
Is there a way to remove a sold stock from an account list without destroying all past buys/sells? (i.e. I used to own Amazon, sold it, but want to keep tracking it in QL, but don't want to have to bring up years of a historical list?
I am not sure I understand what you are trying to achieve so this may be on the wrong track, but I don’t think you can achieve what you want currently.
Would this give you what you are looking for.
If a security is made inactive under TOOLS – ACCOUNTS then it would never appear in Quote Loader regardless of whether it appears on the Summary Page or whether the Quote Loader Include Securities with no holding?” box is ticked or not.
So you could set securities under TOOLS – ACCOUNTS you don’t want to see in Quote Loader as inactive, leaving Amazon active with Include Securities with no holding? box ticked.
If this would meet your need then perhaps you could ask Mike on Slack to add this criteria.
Hope this helps
12 Posted by dwg on 03 Aug, 2024 09:47 AM
Is there a way to remove a sold stock from an account list without destroying all past buys/sells? (i.e. I used to own Amazon, sold it, but want to keep tracking it in QL, but don't want to have to bring up years of a historical list?
Stocks are one of the more complex objects in Moneydance, they can exist in various places but there is a distinction in what is stored where.
The fundamental object is the stock definition, this is where you have data like its name, Ticker, share price history.
You then associate the stock definition with the Investment accounts where you will be buying, selling, receiving income etc, in other words the account(s) where you are investing in those stocks, it can be one account or it can be multiple accounts. What happens is in the investment account when you associate a stock with it, it creates a sub account i.e. a child account that will hold the stock. The transactions you create in the investment account, like buys and sells are really split transactions with one side of the split in the investment account and the other in the security sub account for that security.
If the software would allow you to delete a security from an account that had transactions, it would delete the security child account and all transactions in it. So all transactions that related to that security would be gone. It would be the same as deleting an account and all transfers between it and other accounts would be gone. So you do not want to do that.
13 Posted by dtd on 04 Aug, 2024 12:49 AM
The below would match exactly what I want to achieve. Include zeros that I want to keep tracking, but exclude all those old ones (especially old cds) that I never really want to see again.
I'll send this to Mike.
If a security is made inactive under TOOLS – ACCOUNTS then it would never appear in Quote Loader regardless of whether it appears on the Summary Page or whether the Quote Loader Include Securities with no holding?” box is ticked or not.
So you could set securities under TOOLS – ACCOUNTS you don’t want to see in Quote Loader as inactive, leaving Amazon active with Include Securities with no holding? box ticked.
If this would meet your need then perhaps you could ask Mike on Slack to add this criteria.