Foresight Forecast should allow accounts to be included in total but not shown on graph
When using Foresight Forecast in some situations only the total balance of the included accounts is important, and showing the balance for each account can be confusing and obscure the important information. It would be very helpful to have an option for each included account to suppress its balance from being displayed on the graph.
Note: if it were possible to select the colour used to display each account on the graph, a work-around might be to allow balances to be shown in the background colour so that they effectively disappear.
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1 Posted by mhoggie on 11 Aug, 2024 06:03 PM
just a user.
I'm just running foresight against my primary checking where everything is paid. I assume you are including other accounts as well ?
2 Posted by IanW on 11 Aug, 2024 07:15 PM
Yes, indeed so - sorry, I should have mentioned that for the sake of
System closed this discussion on 10 Nov, 2024 07:20 PM.