reconciliation vs cleared transactions color code change
Please exchange colors. Use green for reconciled transactions, orange for cleared (or even better yellow)..
Benefits of Switching Colors
Clearer Workflow: Users could easily distinguish between cleared (orange/yellow) and reconciled (green) transactions, making the reconciliation process more intuitive.
Better Alignment with Mental Models: Green as the final state would align with how people often interpret color-coded statuses.
Improved Usability: For users managing many transactions, this change would make it easier to spot which ones still require reconciliation.
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1 Posted by dwg on 19 Jan, 2025 01:06 AM
I am having some trouble with you suggestion.
There are three states for a transaction
1. Uncleared
2. Reconciling
3. Cleared
On this basis Uncleared is a synonym for 'Unreconciled' and Cleared for Reconciled.
So to me saying Cleared and Reconciled are two different things is not jelling.
Are you perhaps trying to align with the Confirmation process where you have unconfirmed and confirmed transactions?
I do find it odd there, where unconfirmed transactions have a filled in circle and confirmed an empty one, I would have thought the other way round would be more logical.