Better FUTURE Forecasting, not PAST Cash Flow analysis
I would like to be able to set up a cash flow forecast that looks at the future, the upcoming month let's say. I do like seeing what I have spent and where in the past, but I'd like to set up some projections as well; preferably with "what-if" capability.
For example, I have Reminders set up for each month...for bills and expenses that occur regularly. The Reminders also show regular sources of income. Why couldn't I print out a projection for next month that asks, "Based on how much I will take in next month, and what I have to pay, what will I have left?" Then, taking it a step further, I would like to project this out for 6 months or 1 year. I should be able to add things that I see coming down the road, like a vacation, or car maintenance, etc.
Is this something that is possible? If so, PLEASE make it a reality for me. I'll love you for it!!
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1 Posted by Kevin Stembridg... on Sep 23, 2012 @ 09:49 PM
Hi Danny,
Moneydance doesn't have any built-in forecasting features but there is an extension that you can download and install.
System closed this discussion on Mar 31, 2015 @ 03:47 PM.