Updating EU / UK mutual fund prices in MD

exspextations's Avatar


15 Nov, 2009 09:02 PM


I'm playing around with the trial version before committing to transfer from MS Money and have two questions:

1) I have downloaded the extensions Stocks/Forex quotes auto synchroniser and Stock quote synchroniser, which search yahoo.com - these download stock prices from UK stock exchange, but it fails to update prices for mutual funds quoted on EU or London exchanges - when I search yahoo.com using the fund ticker symbol (e.g. LU0232931963EUR) it does not find the fund, but these are found by yahoo.co.uk. Is there anyway that I can get the extension to search yahoo.co.uk?

2) MD is set-up for base currency GBP - but while the EUR account I have set-up does not include an exchange rate data, the GBP accounts show the EUR exchange rate data for some of the transactions - but not all, even though the UK account is purely UK and the EUR account is purely EUR with no transfers between the two. Why is this?

  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 06 Dec, 2009 12:04 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar


    1) You are correct that there is some disparity between the finance.yahoo.com and finance.yahoo.co.uk. And that disparity is usually in the absence of UK mutual funds from the .com site. We are currently investigating a solution for downloading price information that will be able to access data from more than one source. I am afraid I do not have a time frame for when such a feature would be implemented.

    2) I am not sure exactly what you are referring to here, could you attach a screen shot such that I can better understand.

    I am sorry for not responding sooner.


    Ben Spencer

  2. 2 Posted by Exspextations on 09 Dec, 2009 07:28 PM

    Exspextations's Avatar

    Dear Ben,

    Disappointing that modifying the add to be able to select preferred site for down loading prices for customers outside the US is not a priority, with MS Money and Quicken now withdrawn from the UK market, there is a real need for a good personal finance package - Moneydance fits the gill with the one exception noted.

    Regarding the other point I made. To test Moneydance, I imported four accounts with a limited number of transaction:

    1) A euro account that had no transfer transactions to accounts in other currencies

    2) A British pound account that had no transfer transactions to accounts in other currencies

    3) A British Pound account that had transfers a couple of transfers from a Euro account

    4) A British Pound investment account to test the price updates

    The base currency was set as British Pounds when I set-up the text file

    The question I had was: why does the account set-up under 2) have some transactions with a Euro equivalent and an exchange rate while other do not (e.g. first transaction on 24th Nov in attached screen dump amongst others). The Euro account does not show any British Pound equivalents below the actual amount.

    I hope that the wished for enhancement can be prioritised.


    Martin Higgs

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Ben Spencer [mailto:[email blocked]]
    Sent: 06 December 2009 13:04
    To: [email blocked]
    Subject: Re: Updating EU / UK mutual fund prices in MD [Switching to Moneydance from Microsoft Money?]

  3. 3 Posted by Mickey on 10 Dec, 2009 10:27 PM

    Mickey's Avatar

    Another vote for UK fund price updates. Unfortunately the absence of this meant I had to go back to using MS Money 2003 which for some strange reason has once again begun to download fund price updates when previously it would not.

    I'm still looking for a new package that will provide UK Fund Updates, I also think there is a market for this in the UK and EU.


  4. 4 Posted by mwvm on 11 Feb, 2010 12:30 PM

    mwvm's Avatar

    I have been using Moneydance for two or three years now and it is frustrating that the Yahoo pricing used to work fine in 2007 and has been increasingly unreliable. It would update consistently in the past and now it has become a manual job. Has anyone at Moneydance asked Yahoo why they changed it?

    If it worked properly Moneydance would be a good cross platform solution.

  5. 5 Posted by Jon Hoover on 11 Feb, 2010 02:48 PM

    Jon Hoover's Avatar

    Unfortunately, yahoo has been fairly inconsistent of late with the data they've been providing, I am not sure why. We are working on updates for stock quote downloading extension which will download from more than just yahoo which should hopefully mitigate some of their irregularity issues. Not sure yet when the new version will be available though.
    Jon Hoover, Moneydance Support

  6. 6 Posted by Wolfgang Daniel on 11 Feb, 2010 03:14 PM

    Wolfgang Daniel's Avatar

    I gave up on using the moneydance stock price updater. The results are inconsistent, and many not so common stocks/funds are not available. BTW, I'm located in Germany. Therefore, I hacked together a mix of perl and python scripts to download share, mutual fund and currency prices using Finance::Quote from cpan:
    All the sources listed there should work. I use vwd as data source for shares and funds, yahoo for currencies.

    I use the scripts on a Linux box, they should work on Mac OS. I can't comment on Windows. I'm happy to share.

    Disclaimer: Works for me, may not work for you. You will need to edit configuration details in perl files. You will need to download and install modules from cpan. Does not come with documentation. If this does not scare you off and you want to try, pls let me know.

  7. 7 Posted by paul on 18 Feb, 2011 08:00 AM

    paul's Avatar


    I've also just hit this problem, having moved my pension fund to a SIPP and an array of funds.

    Its been a long standing problem. http://moneydance.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1203329190

    I found and tried http://www.mennesoft.com/yahooqt/ which seems to gives more control (allowing the choice of UK or US Yahoo and Google). But still no joy for Funds.

    Wolfgang - I'm on a Mac, and have a programmer background - I'd love to see your scripts if thats possible ?

    • Paul
  8. 8 Posted by Errol on 18 Feb, 2011 11:27 AM

    Errol's Avatar

    As a licenced and long time user of Moneydance I have, by hand, laboriously entered fund as well as stock prices weekly. I too decided to use the Yoohoo uk fund tickers and was disappointed when the package failed to download fund prices. It is good that someone is looking at the issue but I was disappointed that it seems to be treated rather casually with no time schedule. Moneydance is all and more than it promised but the offer by Wolfgang to users should really be taken up by Moneydance to speed the process.

    Otherwise the range of extensions is good and a lot of thought has gone into it.

  9. 9 Posted by neville on 18 Feb, 2011 01:55 PM

    neville's Avatar


    I will repeat here my other posting and agree that there are a number of people far more knowledgeable than me that have offered help. MD should take up these offers.

    Earlier Post


    See my comments at the end.



  10. 10 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 25 Feb, 2011 07:11 PM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar

    Hey all,

    We are working on the funds issue, but sadly at this point it appears to be an issue with Yahoo's data, and although we're working on a solution there isn't currently anything which is accessible (and free) that we can implement. We will continue working on a solution, and will be updating the thread Neville referenced (to which the issue ticket is attached) when we have more information. I'm sorry I don't have a more immediate solution,

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  11. Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 25 Feb, 2011 07:11 PM.

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