Auto entry of Category in Investment Register
When you enter an Action like "Div" it does not cause a category entry. Your must enter the Category manually or the income will show up as a negative (-) expense on the "Income & Expense Report". When I "BUY" or "SELL" the register changes the sweep account correctly without a "Category entry".
Also, it would be nice to have an "INTEREST" entry added in the Action entry list.
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1 Posted by -Kevin N. on 02 Mar, 2010 02:45 PM
Hi Harold,
The 'Action' entry list can be user defined. From the 'Home Page', click on 'Account' then 'Edit Account...' you can edit the 'Action' list in the resulting window.
You may need to rephrase your first question, I'm not sure what your asking/saying.
Is 'Investment Income: Dividend' what you want as a default catagory?
You can accomplish that from within your 'Investment Account' click on 'Account' then 'Edit Account...' you can set the default category in the resulting window.
Note that both actions are the same except one is done from the 'Home Page' and the other is done from within one of your investment accounts.
HTH -Kevin N.
2 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 02 Mar, 2010 03:26 PM
This advice is quite sound. Please let me know if this does not resolve your issue and, include the version of Moneydance you are using.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance,
Angie Rauscher
Moneydance Support
3 Posted by ki7yx on 02 Mar, 2010 03:55 PM
The action from "Home Page/Account/Edit Account" allows changing the actions in the Check Register. I have use a different name for some of the items in the past, but I can easily change these or adapt to your system. In Quicken you could create your own names, and I did.
The "Investment Account/Account/Edit Account" allows changing the information about the account. ( the Account Name, etc. but not the actions).
I want to edit the "ACTION" entry in the "Investment Register". This drop down list contains 12 items (ie: Buy, Short, Div, etc.) This is where I would like to see "INTEREST"/ Interest Income added - this is often an entry from Bond Investments. This is where an entry off "DIV" will not translate to Dividend Income without a manual entry in the "category". I figured out to do this; however, I think it would be a great feature if the category was made automatically.
I am using MoneyDance Build (743) with Mac OS 10.6.2
4 Posted by ki7yx on 02 Mar, 2010 03:55 PM
The action from "Home Page/Account/Edit Account" allows changing the actions in the Check Register. I have use a different name for some of the items in the past, but I can easily change these or adapt to your system. In Quicken you could create your own names, and I did.
The "Investment Account/Account/Edit Account" allows changing the information about the account. ( the Account Name, etc. but not the actions).
I want to edit the "ACTION" entry in the "Investment Register". This drop down list contains 12 items (i.e.: Buy, Short, Div, etc.) This is where I would like to see "INTEREST"/ Interest Income added - this is often an entry from Bond Investments. This is where an entry off "DIV" will not translate to Dividend Income without a manual entry in the "category". I figured out to do this; however, I think it would be a great feature if the category was made automatically.
I am using MoneyDance Build (743) with Mac OS 10.6.2
Harold & Bette Coolidge
916 Mountain View Dr.
Lewistown, MT 59457-1676
[email blocked]
5 Posted by Ben Spencer on 02 Mar, 2010 08:03 PM
The actions in the investment register are considerably more complex than the ones in the bank registers. In the bank registers the actions are just additional information on the transaction, in the investment register specifying a particular action changes the behaviour of the transaction and enables different fields.
For interest income you can either specify an action of miscInc if you want to associate the income with a particular security. If the interest is not associated with a security you can just do a xfr from the "Investment:Interest received" income category.
Ben Spencer
6 Posted by ki7yx on 02 Mar, 2010 10:34 PM
I understand the actions in the bank registers are only informational - and that is fine.
You state that, in the investment register, a specific action is taken, and different fields are activated. I understand that function. I was only suggesting that one of the things that could be done was the "Automatic" entry of the appropriate information in the "Category" field, instead of making a manual entry necessary every time. Failure to make an "Category" entry, changes where the information appears when you view an "Income & Expense" report. In one case the income appears as "Income", and when the Category is not activated, the "Income" appears as a (-) negative "Expense".
I figured out how to get the "Income & Expense" report to show the Interest and Dividend as income. I was only suggesting that to automate the entry would be a nice feature when someone is looking at this area.
I am surly settling into the idea that MoneyDance will replace Quicken, (which I have used for about 20 years, and am now running is tandem), and I am trying to get the reports to show the information that I am used to seeing. So soon I grow "old" and so slow I grow "smart".
Thanks for your insight on this subject. Your program will be enjoyed for years to come.
7 Posted by Tom Freeman on 23 Mar, 2011 01:30 PM
I am glad that your are settling into Moneydance.
I noticed that your listed your build as 743. You should upgrade to the latest build (757), you can do that here:
Also, I want to mention that in MD 2011 (you will be able to upgrade for free), there is a new investment transaction report. From reading the above threads I think you may find this useful, especially if you are tracking multiple dividends. MD 2011 is in preview now and a stable release should out soon.
8 Posted by ki7yx on 23 Mar, 2011 01:45 PM
Thanks Tom:
I am now in MD2011 (778) and have settled in to the program.
Harold Coolidge
916 Mountain View Dr.
Lewistown, MT 59457-1676
[email blocked]
System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:30 PM.