Unable to download credit card transactions, found fix.

Dave Eisler's Avatar

Dave Eisler

Mar 06, 2010 @ 01:23 AM

When attempting to download credit card transactions from FirstBank of Colorado, on the Online Banking Signup Window, "Please choose the account that you wish to use", both options, Online Banking and Bill Payment Enabled, are disabled. There are no accounts to choose from.

But, here's a way around this bug.
1) Create a new CHECKING account. You could name it "DummyAccForCcDownload".
2) Select this new account.
3) Click Online / Setup Online Banking.
4) Fill in dialogs, including your login ID and password.

Now, to download credit card transactions to your MoneyDance credit card account...
Damn, out of room in this comment! See next entry...

  1. 1 Posted by Dave Eisler on Mar 06, 2010 @ 01:32 AM

    Dave Eisler's Avatar

    Continued from last comment...

    1) Select the DummyAccForCcDownload checking account.
    2) Click Online / Download DummyAccForCcDownload Transactions.
    3) Voila, the credit card account will appear in the Online Banking list! Choose it.
    4) You'll be given a choice of MoneyDance accounts for where to download the transactions to, choose your credit card account.

    In summary, you must start from a MoneyDance CHECKING account, not a credit card account. But don't worry, you can choose to download the transactions to a different account.

  2. Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on May 01, 2010 @ 07:06 PM.

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