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RogersDA's Avatar


10 Apr, 2009 03:50 PM

The Price Column needs to be right justified rather that left justified.

  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 11 Apr, 2009 02:39 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar


    I spoke with the developer about this and I was told that historically the price column showed a large number of digits after the decimal place and that left justifying it made it easier to read. However the code currently rounds to fewer digits and it is no longer necessary to have the justification different from the other columns. As I was chatting with him the developer made the change to the code and the column is now right justified in Moneydance 2009.

    Thanks for pointing this out!

    Sincerely Ben Spencer

  2. Ben Spencer closed this discussion on 11 Apr, 2009 02:39 PM.

  3. RogersDA re-opened this discussion on 11 Apr, 2009 02:57 PM

  4. 2 Posted by RogersDA on 11 Apr, 2009 02:57 PM

    RogersDA's Avatar

    Thanks, Ben. That will be helpful!

    It would be nice to have 4 places shown for security prices since that is how the markets display the prices.

  5. 3 Posted by Brian Adler on 22 Apr, 2009 07:01 AM

    Brian Adler's Avatar

    We should be able to make that change. I will discuss it with our developer and get back to you.

  6. Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 20 Apr, 2010 02:12 AM.

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