Envelope Budgeting and the Home Page Budget Bars

TJ Finlinson's Avatar

TJ Finlinson

16 Aug, 2010 04:28 AM

I have a suggestion for the home page budgeting bars. I have set up MD to use the envelope budgeting and I have it going pretty well. I have my budget set up on a 2 week system as I get paid every weeks. My envelopes get funded every 2 weeks. The night before pay day I usually clear out all of my envelopes to $0 to get ready for the new funding and try to utilize the snow ball idea to move extra money I might have left to a debt. I currently use the homepage budget bars to give me a graphical view of how much money I have left in my envelopes. It starts off at the designated fund and as I spend it goes down. Very nice and easy to see how much money I have left to use. The only way that I can get the correct amounts to show up and to keep track as I spend is to use the year to date set up for the budget bars. Although that is nice to see how much I have budgeted in that envelope, most of the time I would rather just see the 2 weeks period that I am in. This is not an option in the bars. Is it possible to add a view for the current 2 weeks. Maybe based upon your budget dates? I'd like to know if it could be added and if so I would certainly vote for it to be added. I think it adds alot of value to using en envelope system.

I am also working on a diagram to show how I have set up my envelope budgeting with multiple accounts. I'll post it to the forum once it's finished.

  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 18 Aug, 2010 01:08 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar


    There is an existing ticket suggesting the addition of a 4 weekly interval for budgets. It is attached to the following case.


    By posting in that case you will vote for the ticket. I have updated the ticket to suggest the inclusion of 2 weekly intervals as well.

    Ben Spencer

  2. 2 Posted by TJ Finlinson on 18 Aug, 2010 02:19 PM

    TJ Finlinson's Avatar

    Thanks Ben. I have posted in the other case.

  3. TJ Finlinson closed this discussion on 18 Aug, 2010 02:19 PM.

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