Two user interface suggestions
I have a couple of user interface suggestions you can throw on the stack of potential future enhancements.
1) I would like the Ctrl-D / Command -D key to be bound to the Duplicate transaction action. I'm catching up on inputing my old bank statements, and using the duplicate feature in the transaction register a lot. If Ctrl-D isn't mapped to anything (and I cannot see that it is), this might be nice.
2) On the right-click menu in the register, I would like an option "Filter" based on whatever field I happen to be right-clicking on. For example, if I right-click on a transaction and my mouse is over the Category field "Loan:Payment", then run a find and only find those transactions matching that category. Same for Description or Date or Amount. It's not really any different than hitting Ctrl-F and then typing the category of interest - except that the mouse doesn't make typing mistakes, and would be faster.
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1 Posted by Jessica Little on 23 Aug, 2010 01:30 PM
Hi David,
Thanks for your suggestions! I've created tickets for them in our bug tracking system. We're hoping to focus the next release of Moneydance on solidifying what we have and fixing small annoyances, so hopefully we'll be able to look at your suggestions and integrate them into Moneydance.
Thanks again, and thanks for using Moneydance!
Jessica Little
Moneydance Support
System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:31 PM.