Edit Memorized Reports from Home Page

hoovmoss's Avatar


04 Sep, 2010 02:48 AM

I would like to see it easier to edit the criteria for Memorized Reports. I like having a list of them on the Home page, but I was very frustrated that I could find no way to edit the reports from there. Until I asked about it in the questions forum, I was worried that it couldn't be done.

I would suggest two things:
-add a contextual menu to the memorized reports on the home page, so that when a user right-clicks, they can choose the Edit option -and/or add an edit button to the report when it opens (like the edit button that appears when you run a report from the sidebar)

Somewhat related to this, it would be helpful if memorized reports were a separate section on the sidebar.

Moneydance 2010r3 (751)
OS: Mac OS X 10.6.4 x86_64
Java: 1.6.0_20 (Apple Inc.)

  1. 1 Posted by Jessica Little on 04 Sep, 2010 12:17 PM

    Jessica Little's Avatar


    Thanks for your suggestions! I've created a ticket in our bug tracking system. We hope to focus the next release of Moneydance on fixing user experience bugs like this, so hopefully we'll be able to address this soon.

    Jessica Little
    Moneydance Support

  2. System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:29 PM.

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