Time Stamp on Reports

ronboyd's Avatar


20 Dec, 2010 08:32 PM

Surely, someone has brought this up before but I couldn't find it during my (admittedly) amateurish Search adventure.

I would like to have on all Reports, in addtion to the Page Number, a Time Stamp. That way, If I (like doing taxes, for instance) have to print out several versions in a short period of time. Oh, well, you know what I mean.

Thank you.

  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 21 Dec, 2010 04:01 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    To clarify, are asking for the time/date that the report was generated to be printed on the report?

    Ben Spencer

  2. 2 Posted by ronboyd on 21 Dec, 2010 04:34 PM

    ronboyd's Avatar

    Well, actually, I meant when the Report was actually printed but "when Generated" would work as well, I suppose. Or were you thinking of something else?

  3. 3 Posted by Ben Spencer on 21 Dec, 2010 06:10 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    I have created a suggestion ticket proposing to add a time stamp to printed reports. The ticket is linked to this discussion such that your post counts as a vote for the ticket.

    Ben Spencer
    Moneydance Support

  4. 4 Posted by mnydnc.rda24 on 28 Dec, 2010 07:12 PM

    mnydnc.rda24's Avatar

    Hear, hear. Enthusiastic concurrence.

    I also can't believe this hasn't been a recurring request. It is pretty standard for any db program to permit the date / time printed (or "generated") to be added to a report. Thanks for adding to the punch list.

  5. 5 Posted by Susan on 30 Jan, 2011 01:53 AM

    Susan's Avatar

    I agree. I am new to Moneydance and thought that I was doing something wrong when the report didn't indicate when it was generated. When I am actively trying to track something down I can do 5 or 6 reports within an hour and they all look almost identical so I need to know which is the latest.

  6. 6 Posted by -Kevin N. on 31 Jan, 2011 02:45 PM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi All,
    As a workaround, if you click the 'Save' button in a report and choose HTML as the Format, the time stamp is added. Make sure to name the saved file with the .html extention
    HTH -Kevin N.

  7. 7 Posted by jkwood82 on 05 Feb, 2011 08:45 PM

    jkwood82's Avatar

    Glad to see this is on the list of improvements. Thank you!

  8. 8 Posted by gordon on 20 Jun, 2011 07:13 AM

    gordon's Avatar

    A couple of years ago, I believe I requested that, when specifying a date or range of dates for a report (e.g., Transactions), those date(s) should appear on those reports. And that change was made at some point. But with recent releases (MD 1011 (790), for example), a transaction report does not show the report date range anymore. It does have an area where I can manually type a date, but why not default to putting the report date range there, and letting the user edit it if desired?

  9. System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:30 PM.

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