Account Alerts
I would like the ability to set 'alerts' on a per account basis.
I.e. A warning on homepage if Account X is to go below Y amount in the next Z days - there could be several alerts, e.g. a mild warning if amount getting low, a big warning for a lower threshold, a warning to move some money to an account that pays better interest if amount gets too big etc.
If there were alert with different degrees of urgency (e.g. warning for below 100 currency units, and for below 200 currency units, only the harder to match one would be shown (e.g. the below 100 currency units).
If the alerts were independent e.g. alert below 200 units and another alert above 100 units, both would be shown.
I would like the following types of alerts
1) User definable message if amount is to fall below X amount
(either in next Y days, or by certain day of the month
2) message if amount is to go OVER certain amount (assume same time
3) message if amount is between two values
4) message if amount is NOT between two values (could be done with
two alerts of type 1) and 2)
5) (more complex) alert based on the COMBINATION balance of
arbitrary bank accounts (to cope with 'one account' arrangements,
where one account can be offset against another).
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 22 Jan, 2011 06:00 PM
Hi murkee
I have created the suggestion ticket and attached it to this discussion.
System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:39 PM.