improved capital gains reporting
I originally posted this suggestion on the "Get Satisfaction" forum, but I'm adding it here in case it got lost.
I'd like to express a desire for more detailed capital gains reporting. In particular, I need Moneydance to separately report short term and long term capital gains on sales of securities (not just total capital gains). Without that detail, its usefulness is limited because it can't help us at tax time.
I understand that different countries have different rules on what qualifies as short and long term gains. Quicken Mac handles this in a very simple fashion: there's a single data field in the preferences where you can set the maximum number of days that you can hold a security and have the gain qualify as short term.
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1 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 07 May, 2009 08:21 PM
We appreciate your suggestion and will take it into account as we finalize what new features and tools will be including in the release of Moneydance.
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 07 May, 2009 08:21 PM.