Sub-totals for splits

dave's Avatar


12 Mar, 2011 11:47 AM

I suggested this previously on the old system, but it seems to have been buried, so here it is again ....

Add a split category that doe not accrue to a total for that category. It is only effective when added to a group of splits, and essentially totals the splits above it in the window. It does not contribute to the total for the split transaction. For example:

Total income: $1000.00
Overtime: $ 250.00
Exp. Reimburse: $ 500.00
= Sub total: $1750.00

Fed Taxes: $ 300.00
Soc Security: $ 100.00
Medicare: $ 20.00
State Tax: $ 80.00
= Sub total: $500.00

Bottom line: $1250.00

The sub total lines, beginning with "=", sum the lines above them up to and not including the top line or the next higher sub-total in the stack. They don't add to the final bottom line, they are only there as guides to the totals for their own group.

Taking this up a notch, add the ability to insert a new item into the stack at any point (above or below a certain item) so that the whole structure can be reordered to match what is on the paper document received, making input a whole lot easier!!!

  1. 1 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 17 Mar, 2011 06:57 PM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar


    I think this is a great suggestion, especially for things like paychecks. . I have created a ticket for this issue. The ticket is attached to this discussion. By posting in this discussion your interest in the ticket has been registered. This is equivalent to voting for it. You will be automatically notified when updates are available on this feature.

    Please let me know if I can be of further assistance,

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  2. 2 Posted by Tom Freeman on 22 Mar, 2011 01:08 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar


    I reviewed and removed the comment.

    I also forwarded the redirection issue to our tech support.

    Thanks for your help.


  3. 3 Posted by Tom Freeman on 22 Mar, 2011 01:51 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar


    No problem, I thought your response was appropriate. The intent of the forums for both support and feedback. It only works if people feel safe and respected.


  4. 4 Posted by dave on 23 Jun, 2011 07:59 AM

    dave's Avatar

    Not a new suggestion, just a shameless bump for a previous idea in the hopes of getting some more votes on it (the posts from Tom are related to an email reply that ended up in the wrong topic).

    Basically, the idea is to provide a sub-total feature, specifically for entering paychecks, but that may be used for other things too. Hopefully someone else likes it and posts here to register their vote :)

  5. 5 Posted by wa1oui on 26 Jun, 2011 02:02 AM

    wa1oui's Avatar

    I'll give a vote for this idea, but also add another that would equal the convenience of Quicken, which I'm being forced to leave (but glad I found MD).

    Enter the total amount in the regular payment field, then choose split...

    For the first split, the payment amount would prefilled with what was entered. If I changed that to a smaller amount, then a 2nd split would automatically appear with the proper payment amount prefilled to add to the first split to equal the original total entry, and so on for further splits. It would be up to me to add catgories/tags, etc.

    It makes splits REALLY convenient.


  6. 6 Posted by kit on 26 Jun, 2011 05:41 PM

    kit's Avatar

    Great idea

  7. 7 Posted by Paco on 29 Jun, 2011 04:56 PM

    Paco's Avatar

    I also support David Kaplan's suggestion. I was just looking for that feature in MD splits as I used regularly in Quicken.


  8. 8 Posted by dave on 05 Jul, 2011 06:58 AM

    dave's Avatar

    Nice idea David! (the other one, not me!)

    I do see one problem with it though, when dealing with memorized transactions. I have my paystub "memorized" and the total is the result of the 17+ splits already included in it. As a result, the total is not editable when the transaction is recorded, I have to make the changes in the splits themselves to arrive at the actual pay figure, which will then match up for the merge when the item is downloaded from the bank.

    Adding an extra split in there to account for the difference would not work, so perhaps this behaviour should be restricted to transactions that do not already have splits in them? Oooh, hang on a second! Add the extra split by all means, but make it an automatic sub-total split, using the "=" as I suggested above. This way it can be left there (and does not add to the bottom line of the split box) or modified to a category/tag as required at Which point it would add to the bottom line. That would make the logic in implementing it a lot easier too!


  9. 9 Posted by wa1oui on 05 Jul, 2011 11:08 AM

    wa1oui's Avatar

    Hi Dave,

    I don't personally need the subtotal feature, but think it's a good idea... What I do have is utility bills that let me add $1 to a fuel charity. In Quicken, I change the total, and the split opens up and automatically adds a 3rd blank category of the difference between the original memorized split and the previous 2 entries of Utility and Charity. I then fix the Utility entry to this month's value, and the 3rd entry disappears. I think that type of action is really convenient.

  10. 10 Posted by paleolith on 06 Jul, 2011 03:46 PM

    paleolith's Avatar

    Yes, I still (after five years) miss the Quicken feature to fix the total and show the discrepancy as I enter splits. I don't care about the details. This happens when I make a single store purchase which I want to split into several categories -- happens a lot at Walgreens, Lowe's, Office Depot. With a feature like this, I can enter the simple splits and then the most complex category is what's left over.


  11. System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:35 PM.

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