entering transaction issue
When entering a new transaction there are fields where popup menus are used to select previously used entries such as Description, Memo, Security, Transfer, etc. I find it confusing that some of these fields have the popup menu slightly grayed and others are dark black. This makes it seem like I chose an item that in fact I did not. The proper convention, and what most users expect, is that any field in which I have not made a selection should be light gray. Only after making a selection should it appear black.
In the file I attached, the Security and Category fields are grayed but the Transfer and Fee Category fields are dark black even though I have not made a selection in those fields. The Transfer and Fee Category fields should also be grayed unless I make a selection.
- MD_fields.tiff 20.4 KB
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1 Posted by davet65 on 16 Apr, 2011 05:45 PM
I second this observation, perhaps even going further and wanting the various fields to show no selection, except perhaps default category for the account, unless a selection has actually been made. It is then more obvious if you forget to make a selection.
2 Posted by Ben Spencer on 18 Apr, 2011 04:24 PM
The reason why Transfer and Fee Category fields are dark black even though you have not made a selection is that these categories are required fields on this type of transaction. A selection has been made automatically in those fields because if one had not been it would be an invalid transaction.
Additionally this darker text is there to indicate that these fields can be modified as opposed to other fields that are disabled for this transaction type.
Ben Spencer
Moneydance Support
3 Posted by davet65 on 19 Apr, 2011 02:53 PM
Did you really mean "Required Fields"?
I can enter a Buy transaction, and if there is no fee involved, like for many mutual fund purchases, the transaction is accepted even if I do not enter anything in the Transfer or Fee Category. And if I don't select anything from the dark black fields' popup menu, nothing shows up in the transaction, even though the Default Category was "pre-selected". This is confusing.
4 Posted by Ben Spencer on 20 Apr, 2011 03:30 PM
If you enter a Buy transaction the Transfer field is greyed out and you cannot select an item from it. This field is only enabled on a buyXfr sellXfr or Xfr and is required for these types of transactions.
You are correct the the fee category only becomes required if you actually enter an amount in the fee field. And so this is the exception to the rule that if it is in black it is required. All other fields in black (Data, Action, Security, Category, Transfer) are required and pre-selected.
5 Posted by davet65 on 20 Apr, 2011 07:29 PM
My example was carelessly stated, so just confused the issue, as you are right. But let me try to illustrate the confusion I feel again.
If I create a new Bank Transaction, the Check #, Description, Memo, Tags, Payment/Deposit fields are ALL light grey. Only the Category field is black. Yet ALL of those fields can have info entered or a drop down selection made.
If I create a new BUY Investment Transaction, Check #, Description, Memo, Category, Transfer, Shares, Amount, Fee are light grey; Security, Fee Category, Price are all black. Most can have info entered, but Category and Transfer can NOT, yet they are the same light grey as many of the categories that CAN have info entered or a drop down selection made.
I suggest that, across all account types, fields that can be used should be light grey with the field name showing until the info is entered [much like now]. But, Fields that are not used in a given type of transaction should be blank in addition to being non-functional. I, personally, don't even care about the default category I can set, but many probably find it useful; that would be black as it is pre-entered [and as it is now].
Thanks to you and the support staff for listening to all these individual preferences and wants.
6 Posted by krstone on 21 Apr, 2011 06:27 PM
Ben, Thanks for picking up this thread for me. I would like to support your most recent post and I strongly endorse it to the developers. I would also like to add another related point that is a potential source of confusion:
Pick up on the example of the Buy transaction in which the Fee Category is in dark black but no entry is required. If I edit a previously entered transaction then the Fee Category is again highlighted in dark black. Now I may think that this was entered by me originally because it is dark black! It should be:
1- light gray
2- blank, or
3- light gray with the name of the field (in the example that would be Fee Category) rather than the first item in the popup menu.
7 Posted by krstone on 17 Dec, 2011 08:54 PM
To the support team: Has any work been done on this issue? I continue to find it a source of confusion when making entries.
8 Posted by Ben Spencer on 21 Dec, 2011 11:34 PM
There has been no change in this part of the software.
System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:33 PM.