Home (global) search results; double-click out of reconciliation to specific account

femigh's Avatar


26 May, 2011 09:25 PM

Firstly, I can live without the few extras as below that would be nice. Moneydance rocks (this from a 67 year-old geek). But on to the suggestions: (1) It would be handy to, when searching across accounts (from Home), to have a column in the 'found' window indicating which account the found entries are associated with, instead of having to click through a couple of screens (via 'Other Side') to find that out. (2) It would also be good, within a reconciliation window, to be able to double-click on an entry to go directly to the related account window to make corrections. As I say, however, those are minor wishes.

  1. 1 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 21 Jun, 2011 06:21 PM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar


    Thanks for your suggestion. I have created a ticket for this issue. The ticket is attached to this discussion. By posting in this discussion your interest in the ticket has been registered. This is equivalent to voting for it, and you'll be automatically notified when there are further developments.

    Please let me know if I can be of further assistance,

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  2. System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:35 PM.

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