India number format

RJron's Avatar


10 Aug, 2013 08:41 AM

Hello moneydance..

Another request I would like to make is related to the INDIAN RUPEE and its number format. For accounts that are created in Indian Rupees, please can I request accommodating the Indian number format ?

I have been using Moneydance for years now and use all sort of currencies... USD / GBP / EUR/ AED / INR etc as I am resident often in different places. I felt the INR number system would be a welcome treat to your next upgrade. I must admit, even I sometimes find it difficult to get my understanding of this numbering system right.. but it would help if my personal money software could do that job for me. That is what the software is meant for - right ?

For your information, the Indian number format is as follows:
1,00,000.00 ( One Lakh - same as One Hundred Thousand )
10,00,000.00 ( Ten Lakhs - same as One million )
1,00,00,000.00 ( One Crore - same as Ten million )
10,00,00,000.00 ( Ten Crore - same as One Hundred million )

More information on this can also be found in the following links:

I will be very grateful if you could assist in incorporating this into the new version.

  1. 1 Posted by Scott Meehan on 10 Aug, 2013 04:00 PM

    Scott Meehan's Avatar

    Hi Roney,

    Thanks for the suggestion for improving Moneydance! I've filed a ticket in our ticketing system with your suggestion, so the developers will be looking into it.

    Please let us know if we can be of further assistance!

    Scott Meehan
    Moneydance Support

  2. 2 Posted by Roney Joseph on 10 Aug, 2013 05:30 PM

    Roney Joseph's Avatar

    Hi Scott,


    Many thanks – am very grateful and thrilled with your positive responses. Am looking forward to the next version of Moneydance..


    Best regards,



  3. System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 04:03 PM.

  4. RJron re-opened this discussion on 05 May, 2022 05:40 PM

  5. System closed this discussion on 05 May, 2022 05:50 PM.

  6. RJron re-opened this discussion on 05 May, 2022 05:51 PM

  7. 3 Posted by RJron on 05 May, 2022 05:51 PM

    RJron's Avatar

    Please advise if the request for currency specific formatting has been looked at. This is a thread posted back in 2013.

    If it helps, the excel number formatting I use for Indian Rupee is as follows:
    * ## ## ## ## ##0.00;[Red]* -## ## ## ## ##0.00
    ( I use space instead of the comma separator - either one would do )

    INR required creating it as a new currency in Moneydance.
    I don't think there are many other currencies with a different format - so best would be to fit this in for INR - or alternatively allow users to make the change if needed.

  8. System closed this discussion on 04 Aug, 2022 06:00 PM.

  9. RJron re-opened this discussion on 22 Mar, 2023 04:32 AM

  10. 4 Posted by RJron on 22 Mar, 2023 04:32 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    Please advise

  11. 5 Posted by dtd on 22 Mar, 2023 05:18 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    just a user - I do think "Current Balances" accepts this format.

  12. 6 Posted by RJron on 22 Mar, 2023 05:28 AM

    RJron's Avatar

    Indeed dtd - and it works out perfectly in Custom Balances - THANK YOU for hearing me out on that.

    I just dont understand why this format cannot be adopted into moneydance to reflect the remaining accounts. After, this is a 'format' for 'viewing' only - numbers remain numbers always. I will appreciate adopting this - and I'm sure - so will a (perhaps small) portion of the 1.5 billion people in India - who just want a decent personal financial software to work with..

  13. 7 Posted by dtd on 22 Mar, 2023 05:34 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    just a user

    As always it's about priorities - where each items appears on a list. I doubt this one is very high on the list... even if not hard to do.

  14. System closed this discussion on 21 Jun, 2023 05:40 AM.

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