Select multiple items in Reconcile window
Unless I'm missing something, right now you can't select multiple items in the reconcile window; you have to click each one individually. There is an "unmark all" but no "mark all." The date feature of the ending balance window only marks downloaded transactions apparently, not manually entered ones. So:
3 suggestions in order of importance (All would be great):
Have the date feature on the screen where you put in the ending balance check all items prior to that date
Be able to select multiple transactions in the reconcile screen the same way you do in the register
Add a "mark all" button
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 30 May, 2009 07:01 PM
Hi Gandalf
I agree an ending date for the reconcile process would be very useful. I have created a trac ticket for this suggestion. If you register with trac you can vote to have this feature implemented. Here is the link:
You are correct there is not currently a function for marking all the transactions from with in the reconcile window. I have created a trac ticket for this suggestion as well. Here is the link:
However you could select all the transactions you want to reconcile from the transaction register, right click and select "Mark as reconciling", and then go into the
reconcile window. This would have the same effect.
With regards to selecting multiple transactions in the reconcile window, would you please give me a little more information about this suggestion. Is it the intention for these transactions become marked as they were selected? I could see the distinction between selecting and marking becoming a little complicated and confusing. Though I could see the value of marking a contiguous group of transaction with shift clicking.
Ben Spencer
2 Posted by Gandalf99 on 18 Jun, 2009 09:28 PM
Thanks for pursuing this. I'll look at those tickets. All of my suggestions relate to marking multiple transactions for reconciling (although it would be nice to also do a batch change while in this screen, but that's nott what I was requesting). So I don't really care much whether selecting multiple transactions would automatically mark them or whether you would have to select them & then click "mark" somewhere. Does this help?
3 Posted by Ben Spencer on 22 Jun, 2009 06:52 PM
I am sorry I took so long to get back to you.
Yes, you clarification is helpful. The challenge I see is that currently in the reconcile window clicking on a transaction does not select it, it marks it as reconciled. Which is efficient for people who want to go down the list and essentially check them off one at a time. Either way thank you for your suggestions.
Ben Spencer
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 24 Jul, 2011 06:48 PM.