Investment Performance report: Gains column is 0.00 when there actually are losses
When you make an Investment Performance report, Return and annual ROI are shown, which is great. There's also the Gain column, also good -- except if there are actually losses, that column will say 0.00. Why doesn't it show the loss, either with a negative number or a number in parentheses? And the larger question, do the Return figures become inaccurate when there are losses, because the calculation is based on the Gain of 0.00?
I am glad to see this report seeming to calculate ROI accurately, short of the Gain question. I'm also experimenting with iBank, and its ROI report clearly is way off (because it doesn't account for reinvested income).
- Invest_report_with_ROI.pdf 21.7 KB
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1 Posted by Tom Freeman on 21 Dec, 2011 02:58 AM
Which version of Moneydance are you currently running?
I've attached a test md file and it shows negative gains reported. If you are referring to unrealized gains and losses you can edit the cap gains report to show these.
System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:43 PM.