Return on Investment (ROI) Report

g's Avatar


30 May, 2009 09:15 PM

Moneydance needs a return on investments (ROI) report. I found this related post, but it has been closed so I can't add to it (

The existing investment reports include Cost Basis and Capital Gains. As the above post correctly points out, the dividends reinvested should be included in the cost basis. However, there isn't a report for the total return on investment (dividends and capital gains).

I found a previous ticket related to Rate of Return and created a new ticket for Return on Investment (ROI). (532) (1910)

  1. 1 Posted by Brian Adler on 01 Jun, 2009 07:06 PM

    Brian Adler's Avatar

    G, Thank you for commenting on this. Anyone who also feels this report is something they want to see implemented should be sure to vote on it in Trac.

  2. 2 Posted by mdillon on 14 Jun, 2009 11:54 PM

    mdillon's Avatar

    I agree. After carefully loading in all of my historical stock data, I was surprised that there was no ROI report. Absolutely high on my wish list.

  3. 3 Posted by mdillon on 14 Jun, 2009 11:54 PM

    mdillon's Avatar

    I agree. After carefully loading in all of my historical stock data, I was surprised that there was no ROI report. Absolutely high on my wish list.

  4. 4 Posted by g on 09 Apr, 2011 08:23 AM

    g's Avatar

    Just checked out Moneydance 2011 and don't see a ROI report. Any update on the status of this request?



  5. 5 Posted by zeke on 10 Apr, 2011 03:25 PM

    zeke's Avatar

    I"m not sure if these are exactly what you want, but there is an Investment Performance report that includes a column w/ avg. annual ROI. There is also a Portfolio report that includes calculations for ROI over 1,3,5 years and "All" for all dates. Unfortunately in my experience there are problems w/ the accuracy of these reports (I've posted on this elsewhere). The "All" column does not seem to be accurate in the Portfolio report (I spot-checked a few of my accounts and the 1,3,5 year results do seem to be more-or-less accurate, considering for example that I probably don't have historical prices at all dates) and the accuracy of the Investment Performance report varies. For example, if you include "All dates" in the edit dialog, you get a different result than if you enter today's date as the final date.

  6. 6 Posted by g on 10 Apr, 2011 06:51 PM

    g's Avatar

    Hi zeke,

    I did spot that report, however, as you pointed out the calculations were highly suspect as you describe. I can take a look at the 1, 3 and 5 year ROI, but it is the All that I am most interested in.

    Would you mind cross referencing your other post here?

  7. 7 Posted by zeke on 10 Apr, 2011 11:18 PM

    zeke's Avatar

    I think the All column of the Portfolio report should be the same as the ROI column of the Investment Performance report, depending on the dates you enter in the latter. They don't agree, but I think the Investment Performance report is at least close to accurate if you enter the right dates.

    I'm not sure what new information they will contain for you, but here is a link to the first post I submitted
    I'm not sure that one is accessible, since I marked it as private at some point.
    Here is a link to the second one I posted in the 2001 preview section:

  8. 8 Posted by melissa.hines on 04 Jul, 2011 06:36 PM

    melissa.hines's Avatar

    I agree that a ROI function for investment accounts is very important. I have no idea how to "vote on it in Trac" as per post 2 by Brian Adler

  9. Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 24 Jul, 2011 07:27 PM.

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