
fredy's Avatar


Jan 01, 2016 @ 11:43 PM

I have downloaded the trial version and have imported files from old Quicken. Unfortunately it is pretty messed up.
I'd like to erase everything and start over. How do I do that? I have tried to delete account one by one but that doesn't seem to work.
I even trashed Moneydance and reinstalled but it came back to the same spot with all accounts loaded.

Then how do i download only part of my old quicken data? Should I do it one account at a time, only transferring active accounts I want to find on Moneydance?

  1. 1 Posted by dwg on Jan 02, 2016 @ 06:15 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    To create a new data set you can use the following menu path:

    File --> New

    To delete a complete data set the following knowledgebase article may help you:

    If you only want to import part of your Quicken data you need to export from Quicken only the parts you want. However you need to be careful as you may have transfers between accounts and if you do not import both accounts involved in the transfers you are likely to have problems.

    When importing data you need to ensure you use the Import from another program option, also it is a good idea to start by importing account information only and then check both accounts and categories to make sure they have all been created correctly, manually making any needed corrections. QIF files have limited information so things can be created incorrectly. Once accounts and categories are correct make a backup of the data set then try importing the data and see how it goes.

  2. System closed this discussion on Apr 02, 2016 @ 06:20 AM.

  3. Jim & Frederique Griffith re-opened this discussion on May 30, 2016 @ 06:14 PM

  4. 2 Posted by Jim & Frederiqu... on May 30, 2016 @ 06:14 PM

    Jim & Frederique Griffith's Avatar

    I have an other question about Bank Of AMerica. I have read different
    comments online and can't figure this out. If I go to Bof A. website, I can
    only download Pdf statements. There are no Quicken or Qif or any other

    I have been entering the transactions manually but that really isn't
    practical. What's the answer?
    Fredy G

  5. Support Staff 3 Posted by Jenny on Jun 02, 2016 @ 12:00 PM

    Jenny's Avatar

    Hi Fredy,

    Bank of America recently dropped support for Direct Connect, so you should be able to download data from their website.
    Ideally you should download QFX, OFX or OFC files (aka Quicken or MS Money files), any of which will import cleanly into Moneydance. CSV files can also be imported.

    I'm inclined to think that you'll be able to download your data in other formats, although it may be within another section of their website. I've not seen any other reports of this from customers - as PDF cannot be imported to Moneydance, I'd imagine we'd have had a few complaints before now! I'm hoping this isn't a change they've made recently.

    Each banks website is different so it'd hard to say exactly where you'll find the download options. With my own bank, after logging in, I can select 'Statements' and then 'Download' as a subcategory. Hopefully your banks website is similar.

    Infinite Kind Support

  6. System closed this discussion on Oct 02, 2016 @ 02:33 AM.

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