Deleted Account after import from Quicken

Jim L's Avatar

Jim L

Jan 12, 2019 @ 03:10 PM

I imported the QIF file from Quicken and most of it was fine. The exception is an account that showed up called Deleted Account. The transactions are from quicken and show transfers into old employers 401k accounts. A few years ago, I rolled the old 401k accounts into a IRA and closed or zeroed out the account in Quicken. I'm guessing that since I have split transactions from the paycheck that identified the money from the paycheck into an employer 401k are still in the checking account and since there wasn't an account in quicken, these transactions ended up in the deleted account.

My question is how do I correct this without causing more problems? Any suggestions are welcome, up to and including deleting everything and re-importing from quicken.


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Ethan on Jan 12, 2019 @ 03:18 PM

    Ethan's Avatar


    Do your other accounts appear to be correct? If so, it's better to leave this account as it is, since deleting transactions within it would also delete the other side of those transactions, where they transfer money to or from other accounts. You can open this account, go to Account -> Edit Account from the menu bar, and choose to mark it as Inactive, which will hide it from most places in the program.

    Moneydance Support

  2. 2 Posted by Jim Largent on Jan 12, 2019 @ 04:10 PM

    Jim Largent's Avatar

    The other accounts related to the 401k/IRA are not correct. I was thinking
    that I would need to move the transactions, but didn't want to create more
    problems. In tracing from the related account by going to the other side,
    it brings me to an "account" that was part of the split transaction. For
    example, from the "Deleted Account" transaction, the other side shows up as
    as transfer from the paycheck to employer benefit: medical. When I show
    the other side of that transaction, I get to the "Tax:State" register.

    My first thought was to create a new account and move the transactions
    there, but then I realized these represent deposits into a 401k that isn't
    there, but the balance was eventually rolled into the IRA that is there.
    The IRA balance is not correct. I didn't want to start moving stuff around
    and affecting other balances.

  3. 3 Posted by Jim Largent on Jan 12, 2019 @ 07:09 PM

    Jim Largent's Avatar

    New information. I went back to Quicken to look at why the transactions
    were grouped into a "Deleted Account". I found that MD just imported what
    was there. Apparently, a couple years ago the account was deleted (Quicken
    didn't say anything). I think I'll try to fix it in Quicken and then

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Ethan on Jan 12, 2019 @ 09:18 PM

    Ethan's Avatar

    Sounds like a plan. I'm honestly not really sure what is going on in Quicken with that deleted account. If you can't sort it out in there, we can try to think of a way to take into account these transactions in Moneydance. We need to do something other than simply deleting that account, since that will affect all of the balances in the linked accounts.

    Moneydance Support

  5. System closed this discussion on Apr 13, 2019 @ 09:20 PM.

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