phone support?
Now I've made a bigger mess. I had installed a new account, called Cadwal, and liked money dance. Then I purchased the program. Then I imported a quicken file. It erased the Cadwal account. Help!! Is there phone support for Money Dance? Laura Davis
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1 Posted by rsmerrin on 23 Jan, 2016 08:46 PM
Hello Laura. I know the file can be recovered. It is not that hard and I am sure the Moneydance team can explain how to recover your file. I could try to explain this but for your sake and theirs I will let the experts do this.
2 Posted by Laura Davis on 23 Jan, 2016 09:49 PM
3 Posted by Laura Davis on 23 Jan, 2016 10:10 PM
thanks. I’m making some progress. My initial problem, I think, was trying to transfer my quicken data while I was still in the free month trial period. Once I bought the software it worked. I found the manual, and am looking at it. Now I have 4 “files”. I want to delete one (I deleted the accounts in it but the file is still there). I want to rename one or transfer it into another. All my personal financial data is in a file called “final” as that’s the name I gave it when I exported it from quicken. The “Personal Finance” file is empty. I’ll keep reading, but I don’t see this in the manual right away. Thanks, Laura
Laura Davis
[email blocked]
Support Staff 4 Posted by Ethan on 24 Jan, 2016 03:05 PM
Hello Laura,
We unfortunately don't offer phone support, but we would be happy to continue offering assistance via this message boards.
It sounds like one of the things you want to do is to eliminate extra data files? If so, go to Help -> Show Documents Folder from the Moneydance menu bar, which will open the default save location for new data files. You should then see your yourfilename.moneydance data files, which you can delete from here as you would any other file on your computer. If you want to rename one, you can also do that here, but make sure it still ends with the .moneydance extension, or the program will not recognize it as a data file. Also, please make sure to completely quit Moneydance before renaming a data file that you are currently using.
It sounds like just renaming and deleting the files covers what you are trying to do at this point? If there's more, please let me know.
Moneydance Support
System closed this discussion on 24 Apr, 2016 03:10 PM.