Issues switching from Quicken

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27 Jan, 2016 05:21 PM

About a year and a half ago I tried to use MoneyDance but found that the UI was too much of a change from what I was used to, and I had a lot of issues with my account data. I am again so frustrated with Intuit and it has been long enough that I decided to try it again, but I am finding that while I can learn the new UI easily enough, there is a big issue that I cannot figure out how to get fixed, and it is not something that I found an easy answer to in the knowledge base, so I thought I would check here.

I have used Quicken for 24 years. I have a lot of data because of all of the accounts and financial institutions over the years. When I imported all of my information into MoneyDance, I find that even if I set the starting balance properly, there is a difference in the balance calculated by the two programs - in one case it was off by a nickel but I have hundreds of transactions to go through so resolving that is not an issue, but in another case it was a negative balance of several thousands of dollars, almost the same amount as the positive balance that the account truly has, and again there are hundreds if not a thousand transactions to go through if I am going to find the difference. So my first question is: Does anybody know of any particular transaction type or transaction issue that MoneyDance definitely handles differently that can cause this? It will be helpful to know if I can look for specific things in transactions.
Next, I hook up online banking to my accounts, and in the case of a credit card account for example, it downloads all of the transactions that the bank has in their history, which was over 300, and MoneyDance does not even TRY to match them up with the transactions already in my register, so now I have over 300 duplicate transactions and it mucks up my register and balance. It would be easy to just delete the downloaded ones marked in blue, but then the software will re-download them the next time. So to keep the ones in blue and eliminate the original ones, I have to edit the category (in some cases) and to do that 300+ times is a nightmare. So again, does anybody know how to force MoneyDance to try to find the transactions it downloaded in the register and match them up?

Should I just give up and start fresh with MoneyDance and use both MD and Quicken until such time as all of my old transactions in Quicken are reconciled?


  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 27 Jan, 2016 05:45 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar


    In many ways the simplest thing to do would be to abandon your old Quicken data. The QIF file format don't support exporting all data from Quicken and is inherently ambiguous for some of the data it does contain. For this reason there is almost always manual clean up that needs to be done post import. With a large QIF file the amount of work can be prohibitive. I wrote up some of the common issue with QIF imports here:

    Regarding auto merging of downloaded transactions with those already in your accounts. There is an option under Moneydance->Preferences on the "Network" tab called "Automatically merge downloaded transactions". If you have this option enabled when you do the download/import Moneydance will attempt to merge very similar transactions with those already in the account.

    Ben Spencer
    Infinite Kind Support

  2. System closed this discussion on 27 Apr, 2016 05:50 PM.

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