Investment account issues upon import from Quicken 2016 QIF
I'm trying to get off Quicken. I did a fresh install of the 2019.3 (1870) and imported my QIF export from Quicken 2016. There are a few problems with some of the accounts but I can clean those up.
The biggest problem is my retirement investment accounts, will this version (2019.3) is better than .2, it is still way off.
1) It's creating a bank and investment account for each.
2) For a couple of the funds the number of shares is way off
3) The cost basis seems way off
4) Has large negative cash balances
- the 401(k) shows a cash balance of -19K, where there is no cash in that account
- The schwab account in Moneydance shows a cash balance of -184,354 when the actual balance is $1,994.
Thanks for your help in resolving - I'd really like to become a paying customer.
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1 Posted by tiptonbob on Apr 25, 2019 @ 08:11 PM
I'm going through the same pain. I pulled the trigger because I'm so pissed at quicken over their subscription decision. That said, it takes a LOT of tweaking to get your accounts cleaned up, especially if you have a lot of transactions. I'm still struggling through the process and I think it will be worthwhile when I get it done. Good luck.
2 Posted by Eric O on Apr 25, 2019 @ 08:17 PM
An update. I found 3 sell transactions were duplicated in Quicken. I cleaned those up and reconciled and the securities/shares in Quicken is correct.
I uninstalled Moneydance, removed all the files, reinstalled 2019.3, did a clean export from Quicken and imported to Money dance.
However, the Schwab investment account is still not even close:
- Cash balance is still -$183,854
- There are securities in the portfolio view with shares that have long since been sold
- There are securities missing from the portfolio view with current shares
I'll be happy to provide my QIF file if that helps.
3 Posted by Eric O on May 03, 2019 @ 12:58 PM
Another update. I've found that with the Schwab account (managed by an advisor) the Mgmt Fees to the advisor are a credit when they should be a debit, and many interest paid are debits when they should be credits. Also, for some reason the totals as you go down the account are wrong, but when you select the transction and then hit enter, the totals updates. It's like a final "recalculation" wasn't done after all the transactions were converted. This is all on the 2019.3 (build 1870). Might there be a new build being released soon?
System closed this discussion on Aug 02, 2019 @ 01:00 PM.