switching from quicken 2012 and categorization problem
hello. I'm trying to become non-dependent on Quicken. I have several years worth of quicken data. I converted to qif file, and made sure to tell moneydance that I was importing from another program. It appears that the transfer went mostly ok...but I have several expense categories and even some expense subcategories that are labeled as income categories. I can't figure out how to edit these so that they show again as expense categories. I don't want to delete them since that would delete the numerous transactions associated with them. how do I edit an income category to make it show as an expense category? If I can't figure out how to fix this, I'll be stuck and have to stay with quicken... Please help.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Ethan on 08 Jun, 2015 01:46 PM
Once a category has transactions in it, it is not possible to change its core attributes, such as income and expense, or currency. What we can do is create a new category correctly and move your existing transactions to that category.
First, make sure to make a backup or copy of your data file. We're going to be moving around a lot of transactions, so we want to be able to restore to a previous version if a mistake is made. If you're not sure where your data file is located, please see http://help.infinitekind.com/kb/moneydance-2015/where-is-my-data-st...
1) Go to Tools -> Categories from the menu bar.
2) Click on New, and correctly create the category as an expense category
3) Right-click on the existing incorrect category, and choose to open it in a new window.
4) Select all of the transactions in that window, right-click on them, and choose Batch Change -> Account, and select the new category you just created.
5) Close this category register window.
6) Return to the Tools -> Categories window, and delete the old category.
7) Repeat for any other categories where you have this issue.
Moneydance Support
System closed this discussion on 19 Mar, 2016 04:55 AM.