System Fonts

Robert Porter's Avatar

Robert Porter

17 Jul, 2024 04:54 PM

I'm 77 and my eyes aren't so good anymore. I am trying your software and it looks very promising, HOWEVER the fonts are very small. Is there a way to increase the size of the fonts?

Thanks, Robert

  1. 1 Posted by TonyRI on 17 Jul, 2024 05:41 PM

    TonyRI's Avatar

    Hi Robert,

    If you go to File > Preferences and then click on the Appearance tab, you can increase the font size.


    Tony (Fellow user, Not IK Support)

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Maddy on 18 Jul, 2024 08:17 AM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Robert,
    Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.

    In recent versions of Moneydance, you can navigate to File->Preferences->Appearance as outlined here, then at the bottom of the window you can adjust your Font Type/Size and by clicking on the the drop-down menu, select +1,+2 etc, as required. Click 'OK' and restart Moneydance to implement the changes.

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  3. 3 Posted by bruceyoung.55 on 18 Jul, 2024 09:11 AM

    bruceyoung.55's Avatar

    Ditto! -
    About the default fonts being hard to read!
      They are both too small, and the text letters are much to light color, being the current artsy designer 'cool' of medium gray on medium gray. (Who ever decided that it should be HARD to read the PRIMARY user interface of -- TEXT?!)
    Good reference links on Preferences ( and then to Color Themes), TonyRI. :-)
    Below is our experimenting with a few attached screen snaps.
    We are testing Moneydance 2024.1.5118 on Linux Zorin Core 17.1
    (A popular Ubuntu-based distribution, and since Ubuntu is based on Debian, the .deb installer works, FYI.)
    This first attached snapshot is the default view, which uses HORRIBLE small medium gray color fonts, on light gray or lighter gray background. Next attachment is the Appearance setting we used, final is the Check register screen with those settings.

    We adjusted the Preferences / Appearance for several tries, ended up using :
      Theme: High Contrast - which is primarily Black text on White background
              This is mostly good, though there are still some bits at the top
              which are still gray.
      Font Size: Changed this to +6, which makes it much larger text, and so is
                 more readable.
      Font: Changed this from default (which might be Arial regular...) to
              Arial Black (which is a BOLD font family face).
              This works pretty well, though it might not be our final choice.
      Did not get around to fine tuning the Numeric Font... ran out of time.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Maddy on 18 Jul, 2024 09:28 AM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Thank you for the additional information!

    This seems to be a display scaling issue, and you are likely using a high resolution display.

    If so, can you create a file called vmoptions.txt in the .moneydance folder that is under your user's home folder, and add the following contents:

    # If you use Linux or FreeBSD, the following lines can adjust the UI scaling factor, which may be useful on high-res dis

    After doing the above and restarting moneydance, the fonts (and entire display) should be 2 times as large as they were before. So you may need to adjust the relative font size setting in the preferences back to the default level. Or, instead of a uiScale of 2, you can do 1.5, or 1.25, or other values until the display size feels right.

    Please keep us posted on your progress, Thank you!

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  5. System closed this discussion on 17 Oct, 2024 09:30 AM.

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