Switching from Microsoft Money to Moneydance

Chris 's Avatar


07 Nov, 2024 04:24 PM

I am a UK resident and have for many years been monitoring my finances on Microsoft Money. However it only runs on Windows and I am now on Mac. Although I have maintained a virtual PC on my Mac it is time I shifted to a Mac-based package.

I have a very large number of transactions on Money that I would hope to be able to switch across to whatever package I select.

Would Moneydance do this? And am I right that it would accommodate the same ability to track progress of my investments (shares, ISAs, savings accounts, premium bonds, etc) as Money has done?

NB I am not necessarily needing the software to pick up these details automatically. I have been used to entering them myself.

My fingers are crossed that all this is possible. Chris

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  1. 31 Posted by derekkent23 on 22 Nov, 2024 10:02 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    As I explained in my post Auto Backup, when set up, only makes a backup when you close Moneydance.
    But you can do a Manual Moneydance backup at any time Moneydance is open. Several if you need to. Each will have a different date stamp. So you can select which one to restore or restore more than one.
    To switch between your original Data Set and restored Data Set backups use FILE - OPEN and select from the list.
    That what you should be if to are attempting something you are not sure off.
    Don’t rely on Time Machine alone.

    Hope this helps.

  2. 32 Posted by C J Hairs on 22 Nov, 2024 02:37 PM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Hi again Derek

    Your comments are indeed helpful.

    But I have yet to get from you, or from dtd or any other of the support staff, any suggestion as to the possibility of restoring some of my (fairly considerable amount of) work after the point at which I have a backup data file. The only way that I can think this might be done is via Time Machine. I do accept that I should not rely on Time Machine alone, but in my particular situation I don’t think there is any other option

     And of course maybe it is not possible at all.

    I think I have to now get back on repeating my work of correcting my imported Premium Bond data (after additionally ensuring that backups get taken every so often!). I am going to start on this almost immediately. But if you or another of the support staff have any suggestion as to how I might try the Time Machine route I would be happy to hear about it.

    Very best wishes - Chris

  3. 33 Posted by derekkent23 on 22 Nov, 2024 03:31 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    I am not a Mac user, I run Moneydance on Windows and Linux computers.
    So I cant help you with Mac’s Time Machine.
    As I say I use both Moneydance’s Manual and Automatic backups saved to a free Dropbox account, sorry.

  4. 34 Posted by C J Hairs on 22 Nov, 2024 03:43 PM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Many thanks Derek. No problem. I have started adjusting my Premium Bond records one-by-one, and am feeling calmer now. It’s all a learning curve!!

    I believe/hope I have now instructed Moneydance to save backups every time I close the program, which I have done several times. When I have reopened the program it has woken up with the latest data which is good. I have to say that I have not as yet found where these backups are being stored. I have tried File-Open but I have not seen any file with today’s date. I’ll keep looking.

    Best wishes - Chris

  5. Support Staff 35 Posted by Maddy on 22 Nov, 2024 03:47 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Moneydance creates an automatic backup file each time you close your file, until the set number exist, then each file will be updated in turn.

    When these files are stored in the default location, they're accessible from Moneydance via Help --> Show Backup Folder.

    In order to amend the backup file settings, you can choose Moneydance --> Preferences, then select the 'Backups' tab, as outlined in this article of the Knowledge Base.
    From this window, you can amend the backup location, and choose the maximum number of backups to be stored.
    It is possible to amend the backup location, to ensure the automatic backup files are sent elsewhere.
    For example, one could choose an external drive, or a shared folder location like Dropbox, iCloud etc. This will make your data accessible from another system, even if you were to encounter complete computer failure, for instance.

    You can also create manual backup files whenever you require, and store these files to a location of you choice. To create a manual backup file, you should choose File --> Export Backup. This will create a .moneydancearchive backup file - the same format as the auto backup files.

    To open any data file you might have created you can simply navigate to File->Open and choose the file you like.

    The files with a - .moneydancearchive file extension (your backups) can be restored into Moneydance by double clicking them.
    Alternatively, choose File --> Restore from Backup (or 'Import New Account Set' from the Welcome window). Then navigate to and select the backup file.

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  6. 36 Posted by derekkent23 on 22 Nov, 2024 06:19 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    Reread my post on backups at https://infinitekind.tenderapp.com/discussions/switching-from-anoth...

    And the helpful post by Maddy at https://infinitekind.tenderapp.com/discussions/switching-from-anoth...

    As stated in my post Moneydance backup location can be found under HELP – SHOW BACKUP FOLDER. Note: my post at one point referred to HELP – SHOW ARCHIVE FOLDER, the wording some builds back was change from ARCHIVE to BACKUP.

    You state “I have to say that I have not as yet found where these backups are being stored. I have tried File-Open but I have not seen any file with today’s date. I’ll keep looking.”

    I think the following point is the point you are not yet understanding. When you use FILE – OPEN it lists Data Sets not Backups. A Backup only becomes a Data Set when you do a FILE – RESTORE FROM BACKUP.

    If you use more than one Backup location and lose track of where they are you can use the Toolbox Extension. EXTENSIONS – MANAGE EXTENSIONS – TOOLBOX – INSTALL. Then run Toolbox from EXTENSIONS. Then select FIND MY DATASET(S) AND BACKUPS and follow the on screen instructions for BACKUPS.

    Hope this helps.

  7. 37 Posted by C J Hairs on 02 Jan, 2025 11:53 AM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Dear Derek and co

    You could be forgiven for having supposed that silence from my end for about six weeks might mean that I had finally completed my Switching exercise (and also feel a little disappointed that I had not thanked you for the support you had provided).

    But that is not the case. Christmas is a very busy (albeit joyful) time in our family and I have had to put my switching exercise into abeyance entirely for this time. I am now however hoping to move back into things very soon.

    My intended next stage is to clear up the result of an excess of export/import activity earlier on in the process when, in ignorance, I did not properly carry out export/import properly in the case of the various investment accounts I have maintained on Money. I simply treated them as though they were Bank accounts. As a consequence I have a number of falsely-designated-as-Bank accounts sitting within Moneydance. My plan is to delete all these. I have first done an Export Backup, and will very shortly do the deletion-of-falsely-designated-as-Bank accounts within my Moneydance files. I will then look at the result and if it appears that I have not caused undue problems to emerge, I will do another Export Backup and then move on to checking out the remaining Investment accounts in Moneydance, comparing them with the corresponding Money accounts.

    I hope this sounds like a sensible approach.

    Happy New Year - Chris

  8. 38 Posted by derekkent23 on 03 Jan, 2025 08:52 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    Let us all know how you get on.

    Have Fun, Stay Safe.

  9. 39 Posted by C J Hairs on 16 Jan, 2025 04:45 PM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Dear Derek

    To keep you updated, I am back into doing stuff with Moneydance at least several days a week.

    Presently I am focussing on adjustments to the various accounts from Money that recoded all the transactions relating to shares in the company I used to work for. The main such accounts were
    two for directly held sharers (one for me and one for my wife)
    two for shares held as ISAs/PEPs (also one for me and one for my wife)
      and then several relating to shares provided by way of Share Options, Profit Sharing arrangements and the like.

    Mostly I am working out how to deal with inconsistencies between the data in Money and that resulting in Moneydance after the export/import process. Today I have hit a bit of a snag, insofar as Moneydance seems to be failing to carry over from the Share Option account into the directly held account in my name, the result of having sold a couple of Share Options. This is a puzzle because if has previously allowed for a similar sale which took place earlier. I have hunted around for where the sale proceeds might have ended up in a different account, but without success.

    My plan now is to directly insert in the directly-held-shares account the amount that was realised by the Sale of the offending Share Options, and make a note that this was done so that if later the amounts concerned turn up somewhere I know where to go to correct things. But if you have any thoughts on this I would of course appreciate hearing. And I will for the time being press ahead with further corrections.

    I hope this makes sense.

    Happy New Year - Chris

  10. 40 Posted by derekkent23 on 17 Jan, 2025 08:37 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    It’s difficult to visualise without seeing the registers but I think the essence of what you are saying is you have a Sell transaction in a Investment Account Register but you cant see were the money is going. In the Register highlight the transaction and right click. From the window that appears select SHOW OTHER SIDE. The register were the money has ended up should be displayed.

    Hope this helps.

  11. 41 Posted by CHRIS HAIRS on 17 Jan, 2025 08:45 AM

    CHRIS HAIRS's Avatar

    Best wishes - Chris 

    On 17 Jan 2025, at 08:37, derekkent23 <[email blocked]> wrote:

     pre { width: 92%; margin: 10px 2%; padding: 5px 2%; background: rgb(239, 239, 239); border: 1px solid rgb(214, 214, 214); } blockquote { margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 1em; border-left-width: 5px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); }

    // Please reply above this line

    From: derekkent23

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    It’s difficult to visualise without seeing the registers but I think the essence of what you are saying is you have a Sell transaction in a Investment Account Register but you cant see were the money is going. In the Register highlight the transaction and right click. From the window that appears select SHOW OTHER SIDE. The register were the money has ended up should be displayed.

    Hope this helps.

    On Thu, Jan 16 at 08:45 AM PST, C J Hairs wrote:

    Dear Derek

    To keep you updated, I am back into doing stuff with Moneydance at least several days a week.

    Presently I am focussing on adjustments to the various accounts from Money that recoded all the transactions relating to shares in the company I used to work for. The main such accounts were
    two for directly held sharers (one for me and one for my wife)
    two for shares held as ISAs/PEPs (also one for me and one for my wife)
      and then several relating to shares provided by way of Share Options, Profit Sharing arrangements and the like.

    Mostly I am working out how to deal with inconsistencies between the data in Money and that resulting in Moneydance after the export/import process. Today I have hit a bit of a snag, insofar as Moneydance seems to be failing to carry over from the Share Option account into the directly held account in my name, the result of having sold a couple of Share Options. This is a puzzle because if has previously allowed for a similar sale which took place earlier. I have hunted around for where the sale proceeds might have ended up in a different account, but without success.

    My plan now is to directly insert in the directly-held-shares account the amount that was realised by the Sale of the offending Share Options, and make a note that this was done so that if later the amounts concerned turn up somewhere I know where to go to correct things. But if you have any thoughts on this I would of course appreciate hearing. And I will for the time being press ahead with further corrections.

    I hope this makes sense.

    Happy New Year - Chris

    Having trouble reading this? View this discussion online: Switching from Microsoft Money to Moneydance.

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  12. 42 Posted by derekkent23 on 17 Jan, 2025 01:33 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    Was there supposed to be content in your last post. See https://infinitekind.tenderapp.com/discussions/switching-from-anoth...

    All I got was Best wishes - Chris

  13. 43 Posted by CHRIS HAIRS on 17 Jan, 2025 02:14 PM

    CHRIS HAIRS's Avatar

    The content was very brief. Just a Thank You for a very helpful suggestion as to how I might find where a transfer had gone. 

    I expect to try this out tomorrow (probably).

    Sorry the reply went wrong last time.

    Best wishes - Chris 

    On 17 Jan 2025, at 13:33, derekkent23 <[email blocked]> wrote:

     pre { width: 92%; margin: 10px 2%; padding: 5px 2%; background: rgb(239, 239, 239); border: 1px solid rgb(214, 214, 214); } blockquote { margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 1em; border-left-width: 5px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); }

    // Please reply above this line

    From: derekkent23

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    Was there supposed to be content in your last post. See https://infinitekind.tenderapp.com/discussions/switching-from-anoth...

    All I got was Best wishes - Chris

    On Fri, Jan 17 at 12:45 AM PST, CHRIS HAIRS wrote:

    Best wishes - Chris 

    On 17 Jan 2025, at 08:37, derekkent23 <[email blocked]> wrote:

     pre { width: 92%; margin: 10px 2%; padding: 5px 2%; background: rgb(239, 239, 239); border: 1px solid rgb(214, 214, 214); } blockquote { margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 1em; border-left-width: 5px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); }

    // Please reply above this line

    From: derekkent23

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    It’s difficult to visualise without seeing the registers but I think the essence of what you are saying is you have a Sell transaction in a Investment Account Register but you cant see were the money is going. In the Register highlight the transaction and right click. From the window that appears select SHOW OTHER SIDE. The register were the money has ended up should be displayed.

    Hope this helps.

    On Thu, Jan 16 at 08:45 AM PST, C J Hairs wrote:

    Dear Derek

    To keep you updated, I am back into doing stuff with Moneydance at least several days a week.

    Presently I am focussing on adjustments to the various accounts from Money that recoded all the transactions relating to shares in the company I used to work for. The main such accounts were
    two for directly held sharers (one for me and one for my wife)
    two for shares held as ISAs/PEPs (also one for me and one for my wife)
      and then several relating to shares provided by way of Share Options, Profit Sharing arrangements and the like.

    Mostly I am working out how to deal with inconsistencies between the data in Money and that resulting in Moneydance after the export/import process. Today I have hit a bit of a snag, insofar as Moneydance seems to be failing to carry over from the Share Option account into the directly held account in my name, the result of having sold a couple of Share Options. This is a puzzle because if has previously allowed for a similar sale which took place earlier. I have hunted around for where the sale proceeds might have ended up in a different account, but without success.

    My plan now is to directly insert in the directly-held-shares account the amount that was realised by the Sale of the offending Share Options, and make a note that this was done so that if later the amounts concerned turn up somewhere I know where to go to correct things. But if you have any thoughts on this I would of course appreciate hearing. And I will for the time being press ahead with further corrections.

    I hope this makes sense.

    Happy New Year - Chris

    Having trouble reading this? View this discussion online: Switching from Microsoft Money to Moneydance.

    Reply with #ignore to stop receiving notifications for this discussion.

    Having trouble reading this? View this discussion online: Switching from Microsoft Money to Moneydance.

    Reply with #ignore to stop receiving notifications for this discussion.

  14. 44 Posted by C J Hairs on 20 Jan, 2025 03:15 PM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Dear Derek
    Firstly, thanks for the suggestion about making use of Show Other Side. It has helped.
    But I have started to rethink my overall approach to my move from Money to Moneydance. Although I have been making progress, it is painfully slow and could go on for months I suspect. I wonder if I haven’t been overambitious in trying to replicate my reconciled complete history from Money into Moneydance, going back all the way to the mid-1980s. Can I please set out my thinking and have your views on whether the alternative approach I am now contemplating makes more sense.
    My General Thinking
    It is definite that I cannot stick with Microsoft Money to hold my records. I am definitely an Apple/Mac user, and even my approach to date of keeping a virtual Mac on my Apple desktop is fragile since the software that enables me to maintain the virtual Mac will no longer support Windows XP. So I need to transfer my Money-based records to a software package which will run on my Mac. Moneydance fits the bill.
    I am pleased that I have been able to do the export/import thing so that within Moneydance I can access what has happened in the past.
    But what is now on Moneydance for me is not fully coherent with the picture obtainable from Money. There are many instances in which the Moneydance export/import process does not properly represent what actually happened. Amounts have ended up in the wrong pockets, especially when it comes to transfers of monies between different accounts. Although it is possible to work through, line by line, a correction process covering about 40 years of my Money-based records, this is taking far too long. And I have come to the conclusion that I do not need to recreate the whole history. If I have about 7 years-worth of data in which each account, and the complete set of accounts, reflects what I have recorded on Money, then I am prepared on the rare occasions in which I wish to see what happened more than 7 years ago to make use of the transferred data in its present imperfect form.
    I am hoping that it is feasible to insert into my Moneydance history an adjustment item (for each account) as at 31/12/2017 which will give me a clean start point for corrected data.
    The (Provisional) Plan
    The start-point must I think be to obtain from my Microsoft Money records a complete statement as to our assets and liabilities as at 31/12/2017, both as to cash amounts and investments. It would seem helpful to include, in relation to investments, the value of those investments based on market values as at that date. All this I can do. There were 21 accounts, as per Money, on 31/12/2017 with non-zero value (and, for information, a further 32 accounts with zero value).
    In relation to the corresponding accounts in Moneydance to the 21 non-zero accounts, I need to insert an ‘adjustment’ to each such account as at 31/12/2017 to change its value to the figure in Money. So I will need to determine how to do this, and also to calculate the adjustment figure.
    In relation to the accounts for investments, I will also need to determine and then put through any necessary adjustments to the number of shares (or equivalent in Index Funds). Again, I need to determine how.
    Another aspect of these adjustments will be the zeroising of 8 ‘accounts’ that seem to have emerged from the export/import process, all relating to transactions of investments.
    Approaching finality, I will then take all the remaining accounts through to the present date, a mere 7 years-worth. And I look forward to familiarising myself with other aspects of Moneydance including the ability to generate reports as well of course as adding to Moneydance the various transactions that have occurred in recent months.
    And of course reaching the point where I feel confident in closing down Microsoft Money and Windows XP, getting my Mac into a much more efficient and faster running form.
    How does this look Derek?
    Best wishes - Chris

  15. 45 Posted by derekkent23 on 21 Jan, 2025 10:23 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    It difficult to offer advice on this not seeing the full picture of what you are seeing.
    So be careful in using the follow tips.

    You could do a FILE – EXPORT BACKUP and then a FILE – RESTORE FROM BACKUP so you have two Data Sets. You can switch between the two by using FILE – OPEN.

    In one of the Data Sets delete all accounts that were closed before 31/12/2017. In the open non-Investment Accounts delete all transaction before 31/12/2017. In these accounts open there account window by highlighting the Account in the Side Bar (list on the left) and selecting EDIT ACCOUNT. In the window that opens enter the INITIAL BALANCE for 31/12/2017.
    In Investment accounts delete all transaction before 31/12/2017 and then add transactions to set the Price and number of shares held on 31/12/2017. Highlighting the Investment Account in the Side Bar (list on the left) and selecting EDIT ACCOUNT. In the window that opens enter the INITIAL BALANCE for31/12/2017. This will update the cash balance in the Investment Account Bank Register.

    Be careful with this advice as I have never tried this. Always have a Moneydance backup you can revert to if things go horribly wrong.

    Have Fun, Stay Safe.

  16. 46 Posted by C J Hairs on 21 Jan, 2025 12:49 PM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Many thanks Derek. Very helpful. I will lt you know how it ends up!

    Best wishes - Chris

  17. 47 Posted by C J Hairs on 21 Jan, 2025 03:08 PM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Dear Derek

    Just a further point, having read carefully through your suggestions.

    Am I right that by deleting all transactions before 31/12/2017 I would, once I had done this, end up having lost all my pre-31/12/2018 history, assuming I had by then deleted all my Money files?

    While I do not expect to be needing to interrogate my pre-2018 history very often, I might wish to do so occasionally.

    The way I was envisaging in my email to you of yesterday was to first create a break point at end 2017 by inserting an adjustment transaction for each account which essentially changed the balance at 31/12/2017 to the correct startpoint according to Money.

    But I wonder whether there is a better way. Could I, using one of the two Backup files you suggest I create, establish a pre-2018 Moneydance file (which I would probably entitle something like “Pre-2018 History”) that took me up to end-2017 and which I could explore on the rare occasions I need to remind myself of transactions prior to 2018? Although the data would be imperfect, I suspect it would be good enough to answer most of the questions I might be asking.
    I would then use the second Backup file and create a file which was accurate from 1st Jan 2018 onwards. This second Moneydance file would be the one I used most of the time.

    It may of course be that it would be prudent if following this path to establish a third Backup file to revert to if, as you say, things go horribly wrong!

    Best wishes - Chris

  18. 48 Posted by derekkent23 on 21 Jan, 2025 03:39 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    Your first point. Yes and No. If as I suggested you use Moneydance FILE – EXPORT and FILE – RESTORE FROM BACKUP you end up with two Data sets. One you delete things from so you lose the history before 31/12/2017, the other has all the data you imported from money for reference.

    There is no correct/wrong approach to this just the approach that works for you. And Moneydance backups mean there I a way back.

    Have Fun, Stay Safe.

  19. 49 Posted by C J Hairs on 22 Jan, 2025 10:21 AM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Dear Derek

    I have followed your instructions up to the very early point of doing two FILE-EXPORT BACK UP exercises and on the one which is not goung to be my archive Data Set I have deleted all accounts which were closed before 31/12/2017.

    I’m now on non-Investment accounts deleting all transactions before 31/12/2017. I wonder if there is a way I can do this more swiftly than deleting each transaction one at a time.

    If there isn’t, then I will plough on. But I thought it would be worth asking you if I can do this more swiftly!

    Best wishes - Chris

  20. 50 Posted by derekkent23 on 22 Jan, 2025 10:32 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user..
    Hi Chris.

    In a register highlight the first transaction you want to delete and then hold SHIFT key and then highlight the last transaction you want to delete. Once the group is highlight click DELETE key.

    Hope this helps.

  21. 51 Posted by C J Hairs on 23 Jan, 2025 03:52 PM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Dear Derek

    Your ‘hint’ about making changes to large numbers of transactions all at once was brilliant - thank you so much.

    Just thought I would let you know how it’s going.

    I have reached the point this afternoon where I now have a set of Moneydance accounts with a start date of end 2017. And I am much further encouraged that a goodly number of them seem to be consistent with my Money records (after that date) right up to the latest date (mid October) as at which I had been entering current transactions form my bank statements etc.

    I hope before too long to put my Money records in abeyance while I enter up recent (ie post october) transactions. And I will have a go at generating some reports on all my post 2017 Moneydance data.

    There will be a few more issues I suspect which I will in the first instance try to sort myself, but I hope you won’t mind an occasional enquiry to you.

    The one account where there is still a big discrepancy with Money is my record of my main current account. But I think I know mostly how this has come about. My export-import exercise seems to have caused most dividends which have actually been credited to my current account going to a separate account that Moneydance invented called “Investment Income:Dividends (Barclays Current)”. I think I can correct these, by shifting their destination direct to Barclays Current. Hopefully I can find a way to do the corrections en bloc.

    Another thing I am going to have to attempt is to mark up all the transactions which over the (last seven) years I have reconciled with bank statements. Do you think I would be able to make these adjustment en bloc?

    I will now do another FILE-EXPORT BACK UP exercise!

    All best wishes - Chris

  22. 52 Posted by derekkent23 on 24 Jan, 2025 08:35 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user..
    Hi Chris.
    I you want to move a number of transaction from one account to another highlight all the transactions you want to move and right click. Select BATCH CHANGE – ACCOUNT and in the dropdown that opens select the account you want the transactions moved to.
    In the same right click window you will see MARK AS CLEARED so you can clear all selected transactions in one go which adds a green dot.

    Although I don’t follow the official Moneydance reconciling process many do, see

    Hope this helps.

  23. 53 Posted by C J Hairs on 29 Jan, 2025 02:33 PM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Dear Derek

    Hardly any questions this time. Just a thank-you for all the help you have provided me.

    Although there is still some tidying up to do, I have reached a point at which most of the checking through of my transferred accounts up to when I started on my Moneydance journey is in pretty good shape. I have celebrated with another Export Back Up!

    There will still doubtless be challenges. But it is good seeing the future a lot more clearly.

    My next little job is to go through the ‘Cash’ Bank Accounts that were set up temporarily as part of the Export/Import process for my Investment Accounts from Money where the next stage was to drag and drop them onto the Moneydance Investment Accounts. This had the effect of zeroing those Bank Accounts. I believe I can now safely delete them and thereby make Moneydance less crowded. But I will hold back a day or two in case you come to me with advice not to do that.

    All best wishes - Chris

  24. 54 Posted by derekkent23 on 30 Jan, 2025 09:56 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user..
    Hi Chris.

    No advice on this except EXPORT BACKUP in case something goes wrong so you can RESTORE FROM BACKUP.

    Have Fun Stay Safe.

  25. 55 Posted by C J Hairs on 05 Feb, 2025 03:06 PM

    C J Hairs's Avatar

    Dear Derek

    I have just done an Export Backup which I have entitled “Reconciled to Money up to 4th Nov 2024”. It feels really good. As I’ve already said, many thanks for the valuable help you have given me on numerous occasions.

    I think my next task is to tidy up the Moneydance records I (we) have created so that they are ready for me to do my regular monthly task of reconciling my records with those I get from my bank. I suspect this will not be an especially small task, as the process of getting my Moneydance data into its present state has involved ‘losing’ the Reconciled indicator from a fair number of the records. I hunt through the Knowledge Base to see if there are hints there. If you care to point me towards any particular section of the Knowledge Base which will discuss reconciling with my bank account (I haven’t at this point spotted where this might be) that would be helpful.

    And I will then insert into Moneydance my backlog of transactions since I started this exercise, and also get into producing reports on my data!

    Every good wish - Chris

  26. 56 Posted by derekkent23 on 06 Feb, 2025 09:28 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Chris.

    This may be what you are looking for if you want to use a bank statement to reconcile.

    I don’t use this process as I go to my bank web site and download an ofx file of my transaction and drop this file into the Moneydance Side Bar and confirm the transactions from there.

    If your bank offers transaction files on your account web site this can be a simpler approach. Let me know if you want further details on this.

    Hope this helps.

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You can use Command ⌘ instead of Control ^ on Mac