Importing Bank's QIF Files

Peter Seidle's Avatar

Peter Seidle

09 Oct, 2016 02:53 AM

I have a question/issue....

When I download my BoA credit card account into the QIF 4 digit file, and then load it into MD by opening the QIF file, MD does not seem to account for previously QIF imported transactions. Below is a screen shot showing the duplicate transactions. How do get MD not duplicate QIF file transactions?


Inline image 1

  1. 1 Posted by -Kevin N. on 09 Oct, 2016 02:13 PM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi Peter,

    The QIF format is a rather crude format for use with financial data. The preferred format is OFX or QFX.

    OFX and QFX file formats follow guidelines that incorporate a unique identifier for each txn that Moneydance uses to help prevent duplicate txns.

    QIF files do not. Hence, your txns can be duplicated.

    Look to see if B of A offers OFX or QFX file formats or look to see if you can limit the date range of the downloaded QIF so as not to overlap existing txns in your register.

    Aside from that, there is little that can be done in this regard when using QIF files.

    If B of A offers CSV files, you may want to look into trying the free, third-party CSV Importer which looks to skip duplicate txns. If you're interested, I'll post the link to the CSV Importer.

    -Kevin N.

  2. 2 Posted by Peter Seidle on 16 Oct, 2016 01:46 AM

    Peter Seidle's Avatar

    Kevin - The budgeting and categories don't seem as well developed as I had
    hoped. Everything needs to have a category, which is often not the case
    for me. When I made a category called "uncategorized", it still seems to
    result in inaccurate budget/spending summaries. After trying the software
    for several weeks, is it too late to request a refund?

    Peter Seidle

  3. 3 Posted by -Kevin N. on 16 Oct, 2016 01:52 AM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi Peter,

    I'm a Moneydance user. I'm not a member of the Moneydance support staff.

    If I may make a suggestion, start a new thread requesting a refund so that it garners the proper attention.

    -Kevin N.

  4. 4 Posted by Peter Seidle on 18 Oct, 2016 03:10 AM

    Peter Seidle's Avatar

    Kevin - Thanks for the response and help. My apologies - I thought you
    were with Moneydance.

    Thanks for the your help though.


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