ANZ Bank (Australia and New Zealand Bank)
I am contemplating getting this software that seems to do what I want. However, I don't see ANZ or many other banks that I use on the list. I've checked previous requests - and it does seem that ANZ does support OFX for Quicken.
Can you please advise?
Ray Weatherby
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1 Posted by dwg on 24 Oct, 2016 07:31 AM
To the best of my knowledge no Australian bank supports Direct Connect - which requires its own infrastructure, so automatic downloading of transactions is not possible, however the banks that I am with (NAB & CBA) both support downloading of transaction files from their web site, something that I would also expect ANZ to also support.
As the banks generally will provide QIF and/or OFX files there should be no issue importing them as Moneydance supports both formats.
2 Posted by ray.weatherby on 24 Oct, 2016 07:47 AM
Thank you for this. I have now done that and have successfully imported some transactions. Interestingly each transaction description appears twice, one line above the other. The transaction is only there once. Very odd. Any ideas?
3 Posted by dwg on 24 Oct, 2016 07:58 AM
I would have a look at the contents of the file to see what is there, perhaps ANZ are putting the same text in what turns out to be both the Description and memo fields, at least it should validate at what point it is occurring i.e it is in the downloaded data or it is Moneydance doing something
System closed this discussion on 23 Jan, 2017 08:00 AM.