Entering existing stock and unit trust holdings for the first time
How do you enter existing stocks and shares in Moneydance, e.g. date of purchase, cost of purchase, number of shares and then in due course update the values?
Thanks for your help
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1 Posted by derekkent23 on 15 Dec, 2016 10:10 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Setting up investments is a three stage process. First you set up a security (stock, shares, mutual funds etc.). This primarily involves naming a security and adding its ticker symbol, if available. Second you set up an Investment Account. This may be a broker or a fund manager, or just your own investment account. For example I have two investment accounts, one taxable and one non-taxable. Some securities appear in both investment accounts but at different buy sell dates and quantities. The third stage is to add the securities to an investment account with the purchase price and quantity. As time passes you will update the security prices. The price is common to each investment account where the security exists. Within each investment account your record security buy and sell transactions. For details of how to do all this read http://help.infinitekind.com/kb/moneydance-2017/moneydance-2017-inv...
For other information take a look at the knowledge page at http://help.infinitekind.com/kb
Hope this helps.
2 Posted by Eberhard Muller on 15 Dec, 2016 11:17 AM
Thank you! Thanks sounds very helpful! I'll try that later today.
Sent from my iPhone
3 Posted by Eb Muller on 15 Dec, 2016 12:32 PM
From: derekkent23 [mailto:[email blocked]]
Sent: 15 December 2016 10:11
To: [email blocked]
Subject: Re: Entering existing stock and unit trust holdings for the first time [Switching to Moneydance #3532]
Hello Derek,
I followed your advice, but when I enter existing shares as BUY, the cost puts my recently purchased shares total value into negative territory. Surely, the cost value should be added!?
Thanks for any further help you can give me here.
ease reply above this line
4 Posted by derekkent23 on 15 Dec, 2016 02:30 PM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi, what you are seeing is probably correct, let me explain.
When you do a “Buy” transaction the money you spend has to come from somewhere. If you don’t do this then the cash balance column will show a negative balance. If the investments you are entering already exist then the accepted way to start an investment account is to enter the cash balance as a positive figure in investment account window. Highlight the investment account in the side bar (left of screen) and click ACCOUNT – EDIT ACCOUNT fill in the amount in INITIAL BALANCE. Take another look at “How Investment accounts work –“ the section “Entering your current holdings –“ in the link I posted.
If you intend to do a buy transaction, but the money to pay for it comes from outside any cash held in the investment account use BuyXfr instead of Buy. BuyXfr is purchase shares of a security using funds from another account.
As well as the article I provided the link for take a look at page 45 onwards of the 2015 user guide at http://help.infinitekind.com/kb/user-guides/moneydance-2015-user-guide the 2017 user guide is not release yet but in this aspect it will be the same.
If you want to keep track of all types of transactions then make sure you read to understand Buy, Sell, BuyXfr, SellXfr, Div, fee etc.
My portfolio manager track it to that detail but I see no need to do so in moneydance. All I won’t is a historical and current value so I only use BuyXfr and SellXfr using a fictitious bank account I set up and made the “Default Category” for BuyXfr and SellXfr transactions by highlight the investment account in the side bar (left of screen) and click ACCOUNT – EDIT ACCOUNT
Hope this helps
5 Posted by Eb Muller on 15 Dec, 2016 04:43 PM
Thanhs again
System closed this discussion on 16 Mar, 2017 04:50 PM.