How can I migrate from Moneywiz to Moneydance

D Sham's Avatar

D Sham

14 Jan, 2017 12:56 PM

CSV import export is a disaster.

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  1. 31 Posted by OMNI on 23 Jan, 2017 03:22 PM

    OMNI's Avatar

    This one

    > On 23, Jan 2017, at 22:18, OMNI <[email blocked]> wrote:
    > Money wiz has the ability to export both one account at a time and all accounts at a time.
    > I am not sure if the name of the extension is "CSV Import" but in Moneydance I use "Import File"
    > On Jan 14, 2017, at 21:40, -Kevin N. <[email blocked] <mailto:[email blocked]>> wrote:
    >> // Please reply above this line

  2. 32 Posted by -Kevin N. on 23 Jan, 2017 04:40 PM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi Omni,

    Looking through your CashAED.csv file, although you were apparently able to assign multiple categories to one transaction (txn) in Moneywiz, these txns do not accurately represent true split transactions.

    In Moneydance, a split transaction allocates 'x' amount to one category, 'y' amount to another category and 'z' amount to yet another etc., so as to make up the sum total of the split txn.

    In your CashAED.csv the txns are simply given a sum total with multiple categories in-line (separated by a comma).

    These types of txns can not be imported into Moneydance as a split txn (A) because the formatting of the txns do not comply with the format needed for split txns and (B) there are no separate amounts allocated to the underlying multiple categories.

    If the txns 'were' formatted properly and given individual amounts then the possibility of using a CSV to QIF converter (such as XL2QIF) may have been a viable option.

    Unfortunately, because they are 'not', it leaves us back at the option of disregarding the multiple categories in favor of just one of them.

    I sense that given the amount of detail that you devoted to categorizing your data, that doing away with such detail is a game changer.

    -Kevin N.

  3. 33 Posted by dwg on 23 Jan, 2017 08:51 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    It sounds to me that what are being referred to here as categories, in Moneydance would be more akin to tags, and in Quicken possibly classes.

    i have not tried these with XL2QIF so do not know if and how it would handle them, I believe they use the same L indicator as categories/transfers but they use a slash "/" as part of the string to indicate it is a class.

  4. 34 Posted by -Kevin N. on 23 Jan, 2017 11:31 PM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi Des,

    The thing with the 'Categories' used here is that they have sub-categories. Thus making them resemble the characteristics of categories rather than tags.
    I don't use tags. There is no such a thing as sub-tags; is there?

    -Kevin N.

  5. 35 Posted by dwg on 24 Jan, 2017 01:39 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    Hi Kevin,

    As far as I am aware there is no such thing as sub-tags, I'm not sure of a user case for such a thing. It seems to me that tags give a way of grouping transactions into multiple classifications since a single transaction can have multiple tags, thus giving some flexibility outside of the double entry accounting model for reporting on data. Personally I find classifications are sufficient.

  6. 36 Posted by -Kevin N. on 24 Jan, 2017 02:40 AM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi Des,

    I don't think that there's going to be much else that can be done for the OP that hasn't already been offered given how his CSV files are formatted.

    -Kevin N.

  7. 37 Posted by dwg on 24 Jan, 2017 04:39 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    Hi Kevin,

    I tend to agree, multiple Categories in a single transaction is not allowed in Moneydance (nor in Quicken, AceMoney either) so it crates a fundamental problem, naturally it also means you could not have it in a QIF file. I also do not see how the CSV file could be used as is, It would require some decisions being made as to how the deal with the categories then changes made to the CSV file.

  8. 38 Posted by OMNI on 29 Jan, 2017 12:25 PM

    OMNI's Avatar

    Ok Gentlemen, Last Ditch!

    Is there a way to import just the categories from the CSV file? Save me typing them all over again?

  9. 39 Posted by -Kevin N. on 29 Jan, 2017 02:14 PM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi Omni,

    Given the way that Moneywiz exported the CSV category column, my best guess so as to minimize recreating your entire category catalog would be to import whatever transactions that you can - as is.

    Then, go through them and recreate the split transactions manually. For those transactions you would need to create new individual categories, separate from those that were combined by the export.

    You could then go back and delete the combined categories.

    I wish that there was a cleaner solution but I can't think of one that wouldn't involve painstakingly, scrutinous, manipulation of your current data.

    -Kevin N.

  10. 40 Posted by -Kevin N. on 29 Jan, 2017 03:28 PM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi Omni,

    Upon further reflection, the Moneywiz split transactions do not allocate values to the underlying categories. So recreating those transactions in Moneydance as split transactions is likely not a viable option.

    You would need to decide which one of the combined categories is the one that you want to assign to the transaction, create that category as an individual category and assign it to the transaction.

    Going forward, you could, of course, create split transactions as desired.

    There really is no ideal solution to the aspect of importing your split transaction categories as they exist in the csv.

    -Kevin N.

  11. System closed this discussion on 30 Apr, 2017 03:30 PM.

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