Importing from Quicken is missing a lot of info
I am trying to switch to MoneyDance from Quicken 2015 Windows. I have followed the instructions and I see all of my accounts, but only two of them have any information associated with them. All other accounts only imported the name, but no transactions or balance. I tried all three date formats, but none worked. Any other suggestions? Otherwise, I will not be able to switch because I don't want to loose years of data.
Thank you,
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1 Posted by derekkent23 on Aug 29, 2017 @ 04:35 PM
I am not support staff, just a user.
The date format first. You need to use the date format that Quicken has used when you exported all your data in a QIF file. The QIF file is in fact a text file so open it in a text editor and check the date format used and use the same date format when you set the date format on momeydance import. You should also be able to get an idea if Quicken has actually exported the data you think is missing on an import to moneydance.
The other thing people sometimes get wrong is they don’t select “From another program”.
Many people have successfully imported there data so try again.
Hope this helps.
2 Posted by Susie on Aug 29, 2017 @ 05:21 PM
Thank you -
I did have "From another program" selected, so it's not that.
I opened the file and can see the date format, so that is helpful too.
But file is so huge that it is still loading - making me wonder if there is some way to export each account individually rather than trying to do it all in one huge file? Would this maybe help?
3 Posted by derekkent23 on Aug 29, 2017 @ 05:41 PM
I am not support staff, just a user.
I converted from MS Money whose only option was to export one account at a time, doing so worked.
For Quicken my thoughts are based on what I have read here. The support line seems to be do it all in one go, however having said that a number of people have posted that did not work for them and they had to take the long road, one account at a time. The difficulty with one account at a time is thing look a mess until you import the last account and moneydance has all the information to sort out all the transfers between accounts. Miss one or don’t export closed accounts and there can be a lot of manual sorting out to do.
Whichever way works for you often Quicken does not include the initial balance for accounts and you need to add them manually in Moneydance.
Hope this helps.
4 Posted by JL on Aug 29, 2017 @ 06:10 PM
Here is my two cents that might help also.
In addition to what others have said here.
If you didn't export Quicken in this format.
If you do have a large file it may take a little longer for MD to convert.
Mine was approx 1.01MB
Just watch on the bottom.
You should see a progress bar of sorts to indicate it is going through the conversion.
Just a suggestion that may help.
Open Quicken and when you export your QIF file (All Accounts) the Transactions box should be the only one with a check mark.
After you import the data you may not see your accounts on the left sidebar.
Just close and reopen MD.
Make corrections as need as the transfer of data will not be exact.
Run both programs at the same time.
Read and review the KB's
Also download and read the manual.
Read about passwords to open MD in order to save passwords about Financial Institution downloads.
System closed this discussion on Nov 28, 2017 @ 06:20 PM.