
Lynn Taylor's Avatar

Lynn Taylor

15 Apr, 2015 05:33 AM

Some reviews in the Mac App store say that you can't download transactions from some companies (B of A and Chase were mentioned). Is that still the case?

  1. 1 Posted by -Kevin N. on 15 Apr, 2015 03:26 PM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi Lynn,

    Due to restrictions mandated by Apple, the Mac App Store version of Moneydance is slightly crippled.

    If I may make a suggestion, download the free trial version of Moneydance from the Moneydance website.

    Here is a link to the Financial Institutions supported by Moneydance using direct-connect.
    Be sure to read the paragraph at the top of the page.

    HTH -Kevin N.

  2. 2 Posted by Scott Meehan on 15 Apr, 2015 03:55 PM

    Scott Meehan's Avatar

    Hi Lynn,

    Both the direct download version of Moneydance and the version on the Mac App Store can download from BofA and Chase using the "Direct Connect" access they provide. It does have to be enabled with the financial institution first, which is why some reviewers thought that Moneydance was unable to connect. Beyond that, I'll echo Kevin N's suggestions.

    If you need any help getting those connections setup, we're happy to help! Please let us know if we can be of further assistance!

    Scott Meehan
    Infinite Kind Support

  3. Scott Meehan closed this discussion on 15 Apr, 2015 03:55 PM.

  4. Lynn Taylor re-opened this discussion on 19 Apr, 2015 10:22 PM

  5. 3 Posted by Lynn Taylor on 19 Apr, 2015 10:22 PM

    Lynn Taylor's Avatar


      Thanks for the advice.

      I just noticed that the fine name at the top of my Moneydance trial transaction list is the same as my current Quicken file name. Am I corrupting my Quicken file? If so, what do you recommend?

      New subject: Does Moneydance have an equivalent to Quicken’s scheduled transactions?


  6. 4 Posted by dwg on 19 Apr, 2015 10:28 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    I suspect you imported the data from Quicken Essentials so using the same name would not be a surprise. MoneyDance has its own file formats and data location so it would not have any impact on the old quicken file.

    For Scheduled Transactions look at MoneyDance Reminders.


  7. 5 Posted by Lynn Taylor on 20 Apr, 2015 04:54 AM

    Lynn Taylor's Avatar

    Hi again,

      Thank you for the excellent and very timely responses to my queries. I have at least one more: Can I get a report that shows projected checkbook balances based on the reminder transactions?


  8. 6 Posted by -Kevin N. on 20 Apr, 2015 12:18 PM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi Lynn,

    There is an excellent third party extension called Money Foresight.

    With it you can generate a Table view of upcoming Reminders, a Graph view of Reminders which can be placed on the Summary Page as well as a Reminder Summary.

    There is an option to place a marker(s) on the Graph. I use one to indicate my minimum required balance for my checking account.

    Also there is an option to export the data to a CSV file so as to load it into a spreadsheet for further manipulation.

    There is a free version of Money Foresight that will forecast out to 1 month. The fully functional version is $10.

    HTH -Kevin N.

  9. 7 Posted by Lynn Taylor on 21 Apr, 2015 07:58 PM

    Lynn Taylor's Avatar


      I recently purchased Moneydance and have invested quite a bit of time in implementing it. I was able to go online with USAA using the information they provided, even tho’ they did not seem to have heard of Moneydance. After that success, I tried Bank of America with whom we have 2 credit cards and they tell me that Moneydance in not enabled with Bank of America. I did not interpret your email below in that manner, but now I see that you were technically correct. Is it possible for you guys to convince B of A that they should enable Moneydance?


  10. 8 Posted by Jerome on 22 Apr, 2015 02:36 PM

    Jerome's Avatar

    Hi Lynn,

    Many financial institutions will require you to enable your accounts for application-based online banking. You can accomplish this by asking your bank to set up your account for direct connections from Quicken.

    Moneydance uses exactly the same OFX server connection protocol as Quicken but your bank representative may not know this and mistakenly believe that you can not connect in Moneydance. Calling up your bank and stating precisely the following should get you started. "Please enable direct connect on my account such that I can connect to your servers directly with Quicken. Also give me the login credentials I need to connect Quicken to this service."

    Application-based online banking often requires a different login/PIN than the ones that are used for ATM or web-based banking. When you enable your account for access from Moneydance or Quicken, your financial institution should let you know what customer ID/login and PIN to use. 

    Please let me know if I can be of further assistance, and thanks for your interest in Moneydance!

    Infinite Kind Support

  11. 9 Posted by Lynn Taylor on 02 May, 2015 04:00 AM

    Lynn Taylor's Avatar

    Hi Kevin,

      I downloaded this program and got the attached message when I double clicked on it. If this normal for this program?


  12. 10 Posted by Kevin Stembridg... on 02 May, 2015 07:43 AM

    Kevin Stembridge's Avatar

    Hi Lynn,

    Yes, that is normal and understandably annoying.

    What it means is that the source code for the extension has not been reviewed by the Moneydance developers themselves. Once they are happy with it, they will build the extension from that source code, apply their digital signature and host it on their server so that it can be downloaded automatically by Moneydance.

    Now that this is a commercial extension I've chosen to keep the source code private and host it on my own server. Unfortunately, this means that you get this warning. I hope to talk to the Moneydance team at some point to come up with a solution that looks a little less scary.

    Hope this helps.


  13. System closed this discussion on 19 Mar, 2016 04:55 AM.

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